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ceLeBratinG 10 YearS

                                                                                  2022                  wwii

                                                   daughter, Rose. I was going   Army to help liberate others, only
                                                   to go to a mechanics school   to return home and experience
                                                   in Lubbock, but the guy      discrimination, but I did not
                                                   there said, ‘Why don’t you   expect prejudice to be different
                                                   wait for the welder’s school?    back on American soil. When
                                                   Welders are needed.’  So, I   German citizens stop and thank
                                                   waited and took the 18-month   me (for my service) because I’m
                                                   course, and graduated as     wearing a World War II cap, is
                                                   a certified welder. I was so   when I am most proud to be a
                                                   excited to have obtained a   veteran.” Mr. Rainwater wants
                                                   9th-grade education and      to be remembered as a man with
             was over (May 8, 1945).  I didn’t   yet finished the course with a 92   common sense, who loved God
             have enough points to go home,   average. I worked for Hancock     and helped others whenever he
             so I stayed there. The Russians   Manufacturing – they built heavy   could.
             wanted Berlin, but so did Patton.   earthmoving scrapers. I also
             He wanted to go in and whip      worked for Clark Equipment for    We should thank all veterans
             the Russians. He knew that they   18 1/2 years and later worked for   for their service and mean it. It’s
             would be our next enemy.”  Patton   Johnson Manufacturing. I was the   because of veterans like W.E. that
             made the following statement     manager and owner of Gamble’s     we enjoy the freedom we have.
             about Russia after WWII: “You    Barbecue Pit, in Lubbock. I moved   As one WWII veteran of D-Day
             mark my words …. Someday, we     to Killeen in 2002.  Mary Alice died   said recently to an American news
             will have to fight them.” Rainwater   in November 2012, just 20 days   reporter on the anniversary of the
             stayed in Belgium until February   short of 64 years of marriage.”   invasion, “I did it for you people.
             1946.  “I shipped out on a Victory                                 Don’t screw it up.”
             ship, a small cargo ship. We had   A granddaughter Teffanie
             to wait three days up in the North   Hanson (Matthew) and great-
             Sea before the water calmed down   granddaughter, Halima
             enough for us to head home.  A   White, live in Slaton, Texas;        w.e. rainwater
             week after we left, a storm hit us.    great-granddaughter, Abby
             We had a hospital ship ahead of   Krieg (Clay), and great-great       passed away January 23,
             us, and they hit the storm before   grandchildren, Margot and Ellis,   2024 at the age of 98.
             we did. I got sick going over to   live in Lubbock, Texas; and great-
             Europe and got sick coming back   grandson, Imhotep
             to the states. We landed back in   White (Ambrosia
             New York, and I took a train down   McMillian), resides
             to Camp Chafee, in Arkansas. I   in Los Angeles,
             was discharged there on March    California.
             2, 1946. I took a train to Amarillo,
             then down to Slaton, where I did   W.E. Rainwater has
             construction work and worked for   seen a lot of change
             a cotton oil mill for a time."   in his 97 years of
                                              living.  He had one
             “I met Mary Alice Gamble at      final comment on
             a club in Lubbock. We dated      serving his country.
             for a while and got married on   “It was difficult
             December 4, 1948.  We had one    serving a segregated

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