Page 94 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 94

John Phinizy                       A Fascinating


                                                               by Vickie Walters

                                                                                   befriending U.S. enlisted and
                                                                                   senior service members on their
                                                                                   way to Alaska, via the Alcan
                                                                                   Highway. They would try to
                                                                                   find out where U.S. servicemen
                                                                                   were going and any other
                                                                                   classified information. John had
                                                                                   learned to fly while in Alaska,
                                                                                   so he and another agent flew
                                                                                   a float plane to Canada to a
                                                                                   lodge with a lake, pretending
                                               John then received orders for       to be fishermen, surreptitiously
                                               Vietnam and was assigned to       watching how the foreign
                                               the First Cavalry division in     intelligence agents interacted
                                               Bien Hoa RVN (Republic of         with the people there. They
               ohn Phinizy has lived a         Vietnam) for about six months.    developed valuable information
               remarkably interesting life.    The First Cavalry then came back
            JIt all began in Roswell, NM       to the United States, but John    to pass along to their superiors.
            where he was born and raised.      transferred to the 11th Combat    John was in Alaska for two
            After graduating from Roswell      Aviation Group in Da Nang RVN     years, then came back to Fort
            High School, he attended New       near the DMZ (Demilitarized       Huachuca. After teaching a short
            Mexico Military Institute for      Zone), where he was a brigade     class, he attended an advanced
            junior college, then transferred   intelligence officer for six months.     course for senior captains. It
            to Texas Tech University on an     John provided intelligence and    was intensive and dealt with all
            Army ROTC scholarship. John        weather briefings for the staff   varieties of military intelligence.
            graduated with a degree in         and recruited agents.             When the class ended, he was
            psychology in June 1968 and was                                      sent to Fort Hood, TX and
            commissioned into active duty in   He returned to the U.S. from      assigned to the 2nd Armored
            October 1968. Initially, John was   Vietnam early to testify in federal   Division as a brigade intelligence
            sent to Fort Holabird, MD for      court for the criminal case       officer, like his job with the
            Basic Officers Intelligence School.  brought against an induction    cavalry except by then it was
                                               refuser in Oakland. For six to    peace time.
            When intelligence training         eight weeks after testifying, he
            concluded, John briefly attended   attended intelligence school      In the early 70s, Vietnam was
            school at Fort Benjamin Harrison   in Fort Huachuca, while also      winding down, and the Army
            in Indianapolis, then was          teaching surveillance and counter   was phasing down. There were
            assigned to the Oakland, CA        surveillance to new agents. When   too many officers and intelligence
            Federal Building as a security     school concluded, John chose      officers, so John was unsure of
            officer. He worked there for       to go to Fort Greely, Alaska as   his future. He had applied and
            two years during a time when       a security officer for the Arctic   was accepted to the FBI, once
            multiple riots and bomb            Test Center, where they tested    in Vietnam and again at Fort
            threats plagued both Berkeley      equipment under the strain of     Hood, both without a law degree,
            and Oakland. John worked           severe arctic conditions and      so he applied to law school at
            security for the federal building   service evaluations on freeze-   Baylor University in Waco and
            and handled people refusing        dried food, among other tests.    was accepted. He resigned from
            induction into the Army. He                                          active duty and enrolled in law
            also worked with the FBI,          In 1970, Fort Greely received     school while continuing to serve
            opening criminal cases on those    information that foreign          in the Army Reserves.
            individuals.                       intelligence officers were

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