Page 95 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 95

prosecute was the Branch Davidian case. He was
                                                                 on-site April 19, 1993, when the compound was
                                                                 destroyed by fire.

                                                                 John has a vivid memory of the morning after the
                                                                 fire. It was about 5:30 a.m., and he and several agents
                                                                 were standing on the five concrete steps leading to
                                                                 the front door that did not burn. They were watching
                                                                 the smoldering remnants of the fire, trying to absorb
                                       In February 1976, he      what happened. Hand grenades and ammunition
                                       graduated from Baylor     were still cooking off, and they heard popping
             Law School. As a senior law student, he worked      every now and then. Suddenly, right beside him,
             as an investigator in the district attorney's office   an explosion knocked him off the steps. The whole
             in Bell County (Temple). At that time, a senior law   side of his arm felt warm and wet. He first thought
             student could litigate misdemeanor cases under the   it must have been a grenade, and what he felt was
             supervision of a licensed lawyer. He graduated on a   blood. An FBI agent ran to the scene and started
             Saturday in May 1978 and was sworn into the bar the   laughing. John asked,
             next Wednesday. The next Monday, he was picking a   “What is so funny?” The
             jury for a misdemeanor case he handled as a senior.   agent replied, “Green
             He stayed in Bell County until 1990, then joined the   beans!” A gallon can of
             Department of Justice as a federal prosecutor in Waco.   green beans had blown
                                                                 up, and all the wet goo
             As a federal prosecutor, John litigated a plethora   on his arm was juice
             of cases, from murder and illegal immigrants to     and beans. “That was
             many drug cases. The most notorious case he helped   the only funny thing

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