Page 104 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 104

Quiz Quisenberry                           Passionate, Patriotic, and

                                                               Seriously Playful
                                                               by Jane Bromley

                                                                                           head cheerleader and
                                                                                           HSU Homecoming
                                                                                           Queen, the beautiful
                                                                                           “Pal” Schwartz from
                                                                                           Meadow, TX. They
                                                                                           married April 10, 1955.
                                                                                           Quiz was in ROTC
                                                                                           and was called up
                                                                                           in January 1956. He
                                                                                           and Pal moved to Ft.
                                                                                           Benning, GA where
                                                    “I remember the troop        2nd Lt. Quisenberry began six
                                                    trains passing through       months of Basic Infantry Officers
                                                    town. If they were delayed   Training in the Army’s 3rd
                                                    on the side tracks, my       Infantry Division.
                                                    mom (Eunice) would put
                                                    a flag out, and the people   The training was intense. “I
                                                    in the community would       remember telling the sergeant
                                                    show up with sandwiches      I was trained in Finance, not in
          “       ed, white, and blue is            and treats to hand up to     Infantry. He said, ‘Get back in
                  my favorite color,” Quiz     the soldiers.” Quiz remembers     line!’ and a lot more descriptive
            RQuisenberry announces,            his parents’ generosity. His      words. They told us over and
            and the evidence exists, even on   mother never turned a hungry      over, ‘You have to kill or be
            the trees in his front yard. He    person away, and he often saw     killed!’” Quiz learned a lot more
            is passionately patriotic, and to   his dad care for the overlooked   hard lessons in Basic. “I told my
            him, “Heroes are the soldiers      and unwanted. “Hoboes riding      sergeant I didn’t think I could kill
            who didn’t come home.”             the train knew they could get     someone who wasn’t shooting
                                               something to eat and a place      at me. The combat veteran with
            When Quiz was born, the Great      to sleep in the space under our   scars on his face was so angry
            Depression was wreaking havoc      house.                            he raked a table clean, stopped
            across the nation. His father                                        to pick up the flags, and then
            Charley was a cotton ginner who    “Hereford had a POW camp.         stormed out of the room. We
            farmed 60 acres near the little    Sometimes, I would go with        never saw him again, and I
            Texas town of Lost Prairie in      Daddy to pick up prisoners        realized how thoughtless my
            Delta County. “We were poor,       to come work at the cotton        remark had been. I don't have the
            but we never went hungry."         warehouse. At first, they would   words to express my love and
            Every family they knew worked      send an armed guard, but when     appreciation for those soldiers
            hard and cared for each other.     they realized nobody wanted       who have lost life or limb. When
            In fact, it was his aunts who      to escape, they quit sending a    I see those jets flying across the
            attended his childbirth. The       guard. My mom cooked for them,    football field, and one pulls up
            doctor didn’t make it for 11 days.  and they loved my dad and me.”   and away…." His voice trails.

            Around the beginning of World      After the family moved to         “War heroes have paid the price,
                                                                                 and words can't express my love
            War II, when Quiz was 7, the       Lamesa, where Quiz graduated      and gratitude.”
            family moved west to Lariat,       from high school
            TX. Quiz’s two older brothers      in 1951, he went to
            were already off fighting in the   Hardin Simmons
            European theater.                  University. He met
                                               the love of his life,

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