Page 97 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 97


                                                                                         Oklahoma, Kansas, and
            A Magi*cal Christmas                                                         points beyond since 2007.
                                                                                         A Magi*cal Christmas will
                                                                                         be our 58th production
                                                                                         which is, like every play
                                                                                         we produce, at its core a
         A Story                                                                         compelling presentation of
                                                                                         the love and grace of Jesus.
                                                                                         Many of those plays have
         Discovered                                                                      come from between the lines
                                                                                         of Scripture, putting flesh
         Between                                                                         and bone on the people
                                                                                         we’ve always envisioned
                                                                                         merely as icons...such as
         the Lines of                                                                    the three wise men. It is
                                                                                         our hope that such a shift
         Scripture                                                                       of perspective will help
                                                                                         everyone in the audience

                                                                                         their own true identity as
                                                Ragtown Gospel Theater’s Glenn and Chip Polk   better grasp the reality of
         by Chip Polk                           preparing to perform in Israel           a child of God in Christ
                                                                                         and realize how loved and
                 nly in the Gospel of         a revelation of the reason for their       treasured they are.
                 Matthew do we find a very    pilgrimage that may give you a
         Obrief account of “wise men”         completely new way of thinking      A Magi*cal Christmas will be
          who came from the east, following a   about the birth and early life of our   a perfect way to begin your
          star to Bethlehem, and bearing gifts   Lord Jesus Christ. I can tell you   celebration of the birth of Christ.
          for the newborn King of the Jews.   that, through writing this play, the   With plenty of time to plan, you
          The passage leaves us with a lot of   Lord profoundly changed my own    can choose one of six performance
          unanswered questions.               perspective.                        dates and gather family and friends
                                                                                  to experience it with you. With a
          We don’t know who they were         My brother, Glenn Polk, is the      special Christmas concert starting
          or specifically where they came     Director and principal actor at     things off, it will truly be a Magi*cal
          from. Where did they receive the    Ragtown Gospel Theater. Our         Christmas at Ragtown.
          knowledge they possessed, which     creative partnership in ministry
          compelled them to undertake such    began almost 25 years ago when      Go to RAGTOWN.COM or call
          an arduous journey? And while       Glenn began traveling, performing   us at 877-RAGTOWN for more
          gold seems an appropriate tribute   the one-man adaptation of my        information, dates, and times.
          to a newborn king, incense and      play, Paul the Apostle, in churches
          embalming oil seem to be strange    across seven states and three
          choices, regardless of how poetic   countries in Europe.  One of the
          “frankincense and myrrh” may        great moments of my life was seeing
          sound.                              my brother perform that play at the
                                              amphitheater in Caesarea Maritima
          In a new original play, A Magi*cal   in Israel, the place where Paul was
          Christmas, to be presented during   placed on trial before Felix.
          the coming Christmas season
          at Ragtown Gospel Theater in        But we’ve also been blessed to
          Post, we will be offering a fresh   share many great moments with
          and funny look at these mystical    the audiences who have come to
          visitors. Not only will this show be   Ragtown from hundreds of miles      Glenn Polk performing Paul the Apostle
          fun and entertaining, but it offers   across Texas, Eastern New Mexico,    in Caesarea Maritima, Israel

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