Page 92 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 92
Rose Astwood
Each Day Is a Gift
instructors for Cessna
planes. The flights were
exhilarating. When I
soloed, I was ready to
go again. My instructor
said it was tradition to
present the soloist with a
white silk scarf. I'm glad
it was a more civilized
When I earned tradition than what the
my commission, pilots at Reese Air Force Base
my duty station got. There, instructors tackled
was the Naval the students and threw them in a
Amphibious stock tank full of cold water.
Base (NAB) in My next assignment was as a
Coronado, CA. Recruiter at Navy Recruiting
It is the West District San Francisco. I recruited
Coast home of for the nuclear program. The
served in the Navy from the Underwater Navy wanted to make sure a
1985-1991. This was during Demolition and SEAL Teams. I submarine candidate would be
I the Cold War/Spy War, and had many unnamed assignments, at ease working under the oceans
the Desert Shield/Desert Storm and that is all I can say about for months and living in cramped
War in the Persian Gulf. In the it. The Cold War was deadly, spaces. I'd take candidates to
spring of 1985, I had a brother and spies were always lurking, Bangor, WA, and we would
in the Navy who recommended especially the Russians in the tour a submarine. One time,
it, and my father had been in local pub in Coronado. Much of we climbed out of a submarine,
the Air Force during the Korean the Cold War was a silent war and a candidate immediately
War, so military service was a of spies, and though the public requested an assignment on an
family tradition. I went to the was unaware of it, we lost many aircraft carrier, so he could see
Navy recruiting office across service members during those the sky every day.
the street from the entrance to years.
Texas Tech. They told me I could I made time in my off-duty hours In 1991, the Desert Storm War
not join unless I passed a test. to complete a triathlon, become in the Persian Gulf ended, and
It had some math and reading SCUBA qualified, and earn my my contract was complete. I had
comprehension questions. Cessna pilot’s license. On the earned two Navy Achievement
I passed. Those recruiters day of the triathlon, my goal was medals, an Expert Pistol Shot
were scratching their heads; to never give up. I told myself it medal and Sharpshooter ribbon.
no woman had ever passed. didn't matter if I placed first or I decided to exit the Navy. There
They didn't know what to do. last – just keep putting one foot were no handshakes, no words of
They had always sent female in front of the other and never thanks, and no welcome home.
candidates away. They called quit. When I crossed the finish After I completed my service,
their supervisor in Dallas. He line, I was so thrilled. SCUBA I took my DD214 with my
said to give me an application. I classes were amazing. The SEAL Honorable Discharge and went
was accepted, and by September Dive Masters were extremely to the VA to sign up for benefits.
1985, I was in OCS Boot Camp in strict, and they made sure safety They told me they could not
Newport, RI. always came first. The base also enroll me because they did not
had a flight training school with provide any services for females.
92 Lubbock Senior Link