Page 77 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 77

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                       SENIOR RESOURCES


        Hospice's Dedication to


                                                                                    Medical Director Col.
        by Lindsey B. Nesbitt                                                       Larry A Warmoth

              t BRIDGE Hospice, our VALOR   sacrifice and faithful service inspires
              division stands as a beacon   all, and we are deeply honored to have
       Aof respect and gratitude,           him as part of our community.
        dedicated to honoring the valiant men
        and women who have served in the    Phil is also the author of Another Wise
        United States Armed Forces. Among   Man, in which he shares profound
        these remarkable individuals is Phil   insights on finding purpose and      Phil Crenshaw
        Crenshaw, whose life story embodies   satisfaction in life through faith in
        the essence of selfless service and   Jesus Christ. His message is clear:   in the United States Air Force at 19,
        commitment to country and faith.    true direction and peace come from   brings a deep understanding of the
                                            seeking and finding God with all one's   compassion and care needed by all
        Phil Crenshaw's legacy is a testament   heart, as echoed in Jeremiah 29:13. This   the families we serve. Although it was
        to the incredible spirit of our veterans.   wisdom has guided Phil throughout his   for a short period of time, she gained
        A chaplain who participated in the first   incredible journey, providing hope and   experience that molded her into the
        South Plains Honor Flight a decade   meaning to the countless individuals   nurse she is today.
        ago, Phil was recognized at the Capitol   he has touched*.
        as the only living Assistant Chaplain                                   Our commitment at BRIDGE Hospice
        from World War II. His journey began   At BRIDGE Hospice, our VALOR     is not just about providing care but
        with ministering to soldiers and    division is privileged to have such   celebrating the lives and legacies of
        airmen in Okinawa, where he also    inspiring veterans as Phil Crenshaw.   those who have served our country
        extended his compassion to over 4,000   His story, along with the dedication   with honor. Through stories like Phil's
        Japanese POWs. Phil's dedication to   of our staff, reflects our mission to   and the dedication of our veteran staff,
        loving neighbors and enemies is a   honor the selfless service and enduring   we strive to create a supportive and
        profound example of living out the   strength of those who have served our   loving environment where veterans
        commandment to love.                nation. Medical Director Col. Larry   feel cherished and appreciated. We
                                            A. Warmoth and Nurse Amanda         will continue to honor their sacrifices
        Following his return from the war, Phil,   Alvarado, both veterans themselves,   and contributions to our nation with
        alongside his wife, Ruth, opened their   exemplify this commitment. Dr.   dedication and respect.
        home and hearts to more                        Warmoth, a former
        than 50 young people                           commander of the 149th   God bless our veterans, and thank you
        in need, showcasing a                          Medical Group, played a   for your service.
        lifetime of generosity and                     crucial role in developing
        compassion. Now at 101,                        the VALOR division         *Phil's story originally appeared in
        Phil remains an active and                     and organized flights      our 2016 edition. It is reprinted in
        inspiring figure through                       over hospitals to honor    this issue on pp. 38-39.
        his writing, serving his                       healthcare workers during
        community and the                              the COVID-19 pandemic.
        Lord. His life of personal   Nurse Amanda Alvarado  Amanda, who served    Please check out the ad for BRIDGE
                                                                                  Hospice on the back cover.

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