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P. 74

Elmer Scarbrough                           USAF Longtime


                                                               by Larry Williams

                                                    the seven sons of Olney and   Antonio. After basic, I was sent
                                                    Mary Scarbrough. Olney       to Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls
                                                    worked in a roundhouse       for Heavy Equipment training.
                                                    as a machinist for the       After that, I went to Altus AFB
                                                    Santa Fe Railroad, and       in Oklahoma for Loadmaster
                                                    Mary was a homemaker         training.” A Loadmaster’s job
                                                    and a registered nurse. We   included airdrop, loading and
                                                    moved to Quanah, where       inspecting cargo, and operating
                                                    I graduated from high        aerial delivery equipment.
                                                                                 “Most of my early years in
                                                    Elmer wasn’t the only son    the Air Force were spent at
                                                    who joined the military.     Travis AFB and March AFB in
                                                    “My oldest brother, Olney    California. I had an aunt I would
                                                    Jr., served 32 years in the   visit who lived in Los Angeles.
                                                    Navy. He served in the       During one visit, she said, ‘I
                                                    Pacific during WWII and      know a young lady you might
                                                    served during the Korean     enjoy meeting.’ She introduced
                                                    and Vietnam Wars. Another    me to Barbara Mora. After I left,
                                                    brother, Edward, was in the   Barbara told my aunt, ‘I’m going
                                                    Army between Korea and       to marry that man!’” She was
                                                    Vietnam.”                    right, and Barbara and Elmer
                                                                                 married on August 8, 1957.
                                                    Notably, “My brother,
                                                    Kenneth, was in the          Elmer was involved in numerous
                 lmer Ray Scarbrough of        Merchant Marines and became       flights during the Vietnam War.
                 Lubbock served his country    the captain of a cargo ship--the   “I was the Loadmaster on a
            Efor 22 years in the U.S.          SS Union Faith. His ship was      cargo hauler C-141 Starlifter. We
            Air Force. However, the Air        headed up the Mississippi and     would fly from the Philippines
            Force was not his first choice. “I   collided with three barges loaded   into Da Nang and Tan Son Nhut
            graduated high school in 1954.     with 27,000 barrels of crude oil.   Air Base. Several times, it got a
            I wanted to join the Army and      The Union Faith exploded in       little hairy. We would often be
            train to be a Green Beret. I was   seconds. Kenneth raced across     under fire, especially during the
            accepted, but since I was only     his burning ship’s deck to drop   Tet Offensive.” (On January 30,
            17 years old, my folks had to      the anchors but
            sign for me. (The Green Berets     was never seen
            were brand-new Special Forces      again. Twenty-
            whose original mission was to      five men died,
            conduct unconventional warfare     but it’s believed
            with quick-strike tactics.)  Since   that Scarbrough’s
            Mom wouldn’t sign for me, I        actions helped
            chose the Air Force, and she was   prevent an
            okay with that.” Elmer’s mom       even worse
            likely thought the Green Berets    catastrophe.
            sounded very dangerous.
                                               “My basic training
            Born on February 13, 1937, in      was at Lackland
            Paducah, Texas, Elmer was one of   AFB in San

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