Page 19 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 19

                                                                       ceLeBratinG 10 YearS

 Story                         for which it stands, one nation

                                                I pledge Allegiance to the

                                         flag of the United States of

                                America and to the Republic

                                 under God, indivisible, with

            In October of this year, the South Plains
                            Liberty and Justice for all.
            Honor Flight will once again be taking
            a group of over 100 veterans from our
            community  to  Washington,  D.C.  to  see  the
            memorials that were built for them.  For
            some, it is a first ever trip.  For most it will be     is active in his church and is still an avid golfer.
            the last.  It is a life changing time for them to       His heart is to give back to this community.
            tour the memorials, share their stories and             Howard loves the opportunity to speak about
            receive all the honor that is due.  It was life         and display the flag in front of civic, church,
            changing for my family to go to the Lubbock             or work related groups.  Our family has been
            airport last October  to welcome them home.             called to come alongside him, to help tell this
            Another seed of hope was planted as we                  story.  We see this as an avenue to help the
            cheered Howard and the others down a long               younger generations fully understand and
            trail of cheers and tears.  It helped to teach          appreciate  the freedom that these men and
            my kids the honor these men deserve.                    women fought for.

            Howard is a Lubbock native, and is very
            active  in  the  Honor  Flight  program  (www.                 HowarD Mercer
      He  is  also  on
            the board of the South Plains Food Bank, the                   passed away October 3, 2019 at
            Interim Hospice Care- Veterans project, and                    the age of 92.
            past chairman of the board of Breedlove.  He

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