Page 16 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 16

Quilts of Valor—

                                                                A Thank You to Cherish

                                                                by Teri Stinson

        Left to right: Sharon Story, Cindy Neely, Felicia Fillingim, Sonja Mater, Teri Stinson,
        Kelly Zinsmeyer, Donna Kirk

              was raised in a time when       about Quilts of Valor. QOV was
              Patriotism was in style.        started as a way to bring comfort
           IWe started every morning          and healing to our Veterans,
           at school with the Pledge of       many receiving a quilt on their
           Allegiance.  We were taught        deathbed.
           respect and care of the Flag in our
           Girl Scout troops. And we were     I started volunteering with Quilts
           not bullied. Patriotism was cool!   of Valor in 2011 in Wichita, KS.
                                              My dad, Bill Stinson, served in the
           My hometown celebrated every       United States Navy during World
           holiday with a parade downtown.    War II and in the Korean War.
           Patriotism was at the center. And   My brother, Dave Stinson, is U.S.
           you had better stop what you       Navy (Ret.), having served from
           were doing and stand at attention   1979 to 1999.  My brother, Brian
           with your hand over your heart     Stinson, also served in the U.S.
           when the American Flag passed,     Navy from 1980 to 1990.  Making
           or else you would hear about it    quilts for Veterans was my small
           later! There also were the men     way of saying 'Thank You.’"
           and women wearing these funny
           looking, pointy hats that said     I am now part of the Hub City
           “VFW” or “American Legion” on      Freedom Quilters in Lubbock.
           them.  They were our heroes, and   On the second Saturday of the
           they deserved our utmost respect   month, you will find a group of
           because they had defended our      ladies at Patty's Heart Quilt  Shop,
           freedom.                           surrounded by stacks of red,
                                              white, and blue fabric.  Some will
           Fast forward forty years; I became   be sewing, some will be cutting
           an avid quilter. I’d made at       fabric, and still others will be
           least one quilt for every family   pressing seams.  It will all come
           member and friend, and even        together in a beautiful, one-of-a-
           some strangers. And then I heard   kind Quilt of Valor.

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