Page 14 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 14


        Texas Tech Cuts Ribbon on


        by Lucy Greenberg
        Media Relations Specialist—Office of Communications & Marketing

              n November 17, 2023, Texas Tech University, along   World War II, Memorial
              with the Texas Tech Alumni Association (TTAA) and   Circle started as a place
       Othe Texas Tech Military & Veterans Alumni Network     to remember those who
        (MVN), cut the ribbon on the new Military & Veterans   “brought honor to college
        Tribute Walk and Wall of Honor.                       and country.”

        “Through these additions to Memorial Circle, we recognize   The Lubbock Avalanche-
        the many Red Raiders who have selflessly served our   Journal reported at the time,
        nation,” said Texas Tech President Lawrence Schovanec.   “The dedication applies not
        “Memorial Circle is the focal point of our campus. It’s highly   only to those in the past but
        visible to our students, faculty, staff and visitors and reflects   to those who shall perform
        our history of recognizing and supporting members of our   such a service in the future
        military and the sacrifices they’ve made for our country.”   as well.”
        The Military Wall of Honor, located on the east side interior   That has proven true.
        wall of Memorial Circle, recognizes eight honorees who were
        killed in action or distinguished themselves on the field of   The names of Texas Tech
        battle or in other heroic acts that earned them distinction.   alumni who fought in World
                                                              War II, the Korean War,
        The Military & Veterans Tribute Walk, located on the grassy   Vietnam War, Gulf War,
        area adjacent to the Pfluger Fountain east side exterior,   Iraqi and Afghanistan Wars
        comprises a brick and paver walkway dedicated to all service   and others can be found at
        members who attended Texas Tech.                      Memorial Circle.

        “Texas Tech has produced many military veterans during its   “We want to remember
        100 years, and the institution has always honored and cared   and honor those who came
        for those who protect our freedoms,” said Retired U.S. Army   before us,” said Col. Lou
        Maj. Gen. Walter B. Huffman, dean emeritus of Texas Tech   Ortiz, Retired U.S. Air
        School of Law. “It is fitting that this new veteran’s tribute,   Force Veteran and Military
        built during the centennial celebration year, will be a place   Veterans Network board member. “Our legacy of military
        where veterans from any era of Texas Tech’s history can be   service, past and present, will now continue to be preserved
        identified and memorialized.”                         for future generations. These memorials are a fitting tribute
                                                              to those from Texas Tech who served during both war and
        The new installation at Memorial Circle joins a longstanding   peace, and an inspiration for all who visit Memorial Circle.”
        tradition. Originally dedicated in 1948 after the end of

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