Page 24 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 24

Coy Matthews                         Wildfire –

                                                               One Man’s Story

                                                               by James M. Hamilton

                                                            Recently, Coy had    Sirens started blaring nearby.
                                                            been having some     Christina called her scheduler at
                                                            trouble taking care   Cornerstone Caregiving to tell
                                                            of his home, so his   her what was going on and said
                                                            case manager at      she needed to leave. She and
                                                            the Department of    Coy headed out in their vehicles
                                                            Veterans Affairs     together but were soon separated.
                                                            (VA) contacted       Christina decided to drive to her
                                                            Cornerstone          house in Borger, while Coy drove
                                                            Caregiving to        into Fritch to check on a friend.
                                                            help Coy a few       Christina didn't hear from him
                                                            hours a week. Coy    again that day. Coy later drove
                                                            was assigned a       back towards his house, which
                                                            young caregiver      by then was being consumed by
                     hen the wildfire came
                     on February 27, 2024,     named Christina Hillyer, who      the fire. He drove himself to the
            WVeteran Coy Matthews              was new to the business but not   VA in Amarillo where he was
            was taking a nap at his home       new to caregiving. Christina had   immediately hospitalized.
                                               helped her family--particularly
            in Fritch, a small community                                         Christina soon got a call from
            northeast of Amarillo. He had built   her grandfather--for a few years   the VA telling her about Coy.
                                               and understood the patience
            it with his own hands forty years                                    He had recently made her his
            ago. Crafted to his own design,    and attentiveness a caregiver     emergency contact person. Even
                                               must have. She was hired on the
            it was his favorite place to be.                                     though he was from a family of
            There was plenty of space for the   spot, and her first client was Coy   twelve children, he had no contact
            things he liked to do. A lifelong                                    with most of his siblings, which
            bachelor, Coy had amassed a        Christina was particularly attentive   had included two brothers who
            sword collection and over 14,000   that day as winds were blowing,   perished in WWII, long before Coy
            movies on tape and DVD. He also    and there'd been some talk        was born.
            enjoyed making miniature models    about a wildfire. She'd not seen
            of houses.                         anything, but a volunteer with    Christina had become his point
                                               Meals on Wheels dropped off food   of contact, and, for a young
            Calling a house a home was                                           lady of 19 years, this was a huge
            important to Coy. His family had   at Coy's place and told Christina   responsibility, one she didn't take
                                               that a town some distance away
            lost theirs more than fifty years                                    lightly. The VA released Coy four
            prior when faulty wiring on a      was being evacuated. Keeping      days later, and, since he had no
                                               an eye out, Christina kept up
            Christmas tree caused a fire. He                                     home, he went to a hotel. Once
            and his siblings were farmed out   her housekeeping for Coy but      again, the first person he thought
                                               then started to smell smoke. She
            to neighbors until they could move                                   of was Christina, and he was able
            into another place together. He    stepped outside and could see how   to borrow a phone and let her
                                               smoky it was getting.
            never forgot the experience.                                         know where he was. When she'd
            After high school, Coy enlisted in   She ran back inside and woke    not heard from him the next day,
                                                                                 she had asked the police to do a
                                               up Coy who was in a deep sleep.
            the United States Air Force. During
            his years of service, he spent his   Coy was not really interested in   wellness check. He had fallen at
                                                                                 the hotel and injured himself, so
                                               moving, but Christina persisted
            days servicing and performing
            maintenance on airplanes at        and got him up. In the moment,    the police took him to a facility in
                                               Coy only grabbed his keys and
                                                                                 Amarillo for treatment.
            American bases in the United
            Kingdom. He’s proud of his service   wallet and jumped into his truck   In the meantime, Christina and
                                               while Christina followed him in
            and the work he did.                                                 some volunteers from a local
                                               her vehicle.
                                                                                 church in Fritch started sorting
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