Page 20 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 20
Richard Rosen A Distinguished Man of
Many Uniforms and Titles
by Julian E. Whitley, TTU Law, Class of 2020
“ I had Rosen as my Constitutional
Law Professor. During the
course, he exposed us not only
to the "big name" cases, but also
included the history leading up
to these Supreme Court decisions.
His class presentations were very
detailed and informative, which
I appreciated while studying
because it allowed me to have a
greater depth of understanding.
what it means to be a 1L. Several of Additionally, Professor Rosen
Rosen’s prior students have this to facilitated class discussions about
“ I had the pleasure of taking manner. He allowed students
say about him:
controversial cases in a healthy
e usually stood front and multiple classes with Professor to express their thoughts and
center in a lecture hall— Rosen, including my first and last opinions, and always maintained a
Heach day arriving to work semesters of law school. I always respectful demeanor. I am grateful
in his uniform, a suit and tie. When enjoyed his teaching style, his to have had the opportunity to take
addressing him, students would approachability, his willingness Constitutional Law with Professor
use the title of “Professor.” And, to discuss various subjects outside Rosen.
after fifteen weeks of basic (legal) of class, and even his fact patterns Mariah Paulger, Class of 2023 ”
training, he would lead them into on his final exams. Additionally, I
an “exam-by-fire,” to ensure his appreciated his willingness to take
new legal recruits remembered time out of his day to be a practice Every attorney remembers law
what they had learned. judge for our various moot court school, and they remember at
Professor Richard Rosen taught teams during my second and third least a few of their professors—
countless law students at Texas years. Professor Rosen cared about especially ones who made a great
impact on their legal education.
Tech University’s School of Law his students, and he cared about
since he joined the ranks of its the university and law school. I am Every person whom I have spoken
to about Professor Rosen has had
faculty in 2003. He has taught thankful for my time with him.
Torts, Constitutional Law, and Civil Graigory Fancher, Class of 2008 nothing but praise for him, some
going so far as saying that they
Procedure—all courses for first-year ”
law students, or as we call them, would not have succeeded in law
school without him. His impact
1Ls. “ on students throughout the years
For the uninitiated, law school I had Professor Rosen for cannot be understated.
Constitutional Law at Tech Law,
lectures use the Socratic method, and I always enjoyed his classes.
where the professor asks some poor He managed to take an area of In July 2023, Professor Rosen’s tour
of duty as a law professor ended,
student several esoteric and archaic law that seemed so high up in
questions about a case until he or the clouds and bring it into the and his retirement began. However,
his time at Texas Tech was but a
she has extracted the last remaining classroom each day for careful
bit of dignity from the student. But consideration, and my 1L year of single chapter of his storied life,
a single facet of a man who also
not Rosen. Professor Rosen knew law school was better for it.
how to lecture about legal concepts dedicated his life to yet another
form of public service.
in a way that was conversational, Austin Caldera, Class of 2020 ”
concise, and poised. These lectures You see, Professor Rosen was once
made him stand out among other Colonel Rosen in the United States
professors who have forgotten Army. Instead of a suit and tie, he
20 Lubbock Senior Link