Page 22 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 22

Leonard Daniel
                    “Danny” Williams
                                                               A Humble Leader

                                                               by Barbara Jensen

                                                                                  involved more authority and
                                                                                  more people who worked for
                                                                                  you and for whom you were
                                                                                  responsible. He encouraged the
                                                                                  success of those under him and
                                                                                  felt their success was the reason
                                                                                  he progressed as he did. He was
                                                                                  surprised and honored when
                                                                                  George H. W. Bush nominated
                                                                                  him to become a Brigadier
                                                                                  General in 1993. Usually, the
                                                                                  pilots in the Air Force got
                                                                                  the promotions, and the rank
                                                                                  said something about what he
                                                     Danny was going to           accomplished and the effect he's
                                                     be a lawyer but put         had on others over the years.
                                                     that aside and instead
                                                     received a degree in        Danny and Judy had two
                                                     Business Administration
                 eonard Daniel “Danny”         from Texas Tech in 1962. He       children, Kim and Dan, and
                                                                                 once the children were in school,
                 Williams is a true Texan                                        Judy went to work for Lubbock
            L– soft-spoken, steadfast          received his commission in the    National Bank and retired from
                                               Air Force through the ROTC
            in his love for God, family and    program at Tech and began         there after 20+ years of service.
            country, honest and helpful.       working in management, first      When Danny wasn't handling
            Born and raised in Lubbock,        at Laughlin Air Force Base near   duties for the Air Force, he
            his father died when he was a      Del Rio, Texas. He then was       supervised a regional property/
            baby so he was raised by his       assigned to Evreux-Fauville Air   casualty claims department for
            mother and her parents. Danny      Base in France where he was a     Travelers Insurance in Lubbock.
            attended Monterey High School      combat airlift support officer.
            and worked at a grocery store on   After three years, he left active   In 2017 Judy died, and although
            weekends. There he was bagging     duty, returned to Texas, and      the neighborhood where Danny
            groceries when a lady came in      joined the Air Force Reserves     lived pulled together to include
            with her daughter. Thinking        where he stayed very active for   him, he needed a change.
            that daughter was awfully          the next 22 years. His duties     Danny's daughter Kim is married
            cute, Danny made sure he was       expanded to logistics support     to Robert Loveless, whose
            the bagger any time they were      and management, and               mother lives at Carillon Senior
            checking out so he could chat,     he rose in rank and
            sack her groceries, carry them out   responsibility.
            and get to know her. Judy Fickle
            became the love of his life. Her   Danny is a very
            mother liked him right away, but   modest and humble
            her father was more suspicious     man and feels that
            of anyone wanting to court his     his success in the Air
            daughter. It took a while, but     Force was a result
            Danny won him over as well.        of the wonderful
            They dated for two or three years   support he had
            and married in 1960 at the Sunset   through the years.
            Church of Christ.                  Higher officer levels

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