Page 11 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 11


             All of us involved with Lubbock Senior Link can look   veterans have never had their story published and/
             back on the last ten years with a sense of pride. Our   or even talked much, if at all, about their experiences
             first editor, Jane Bromley, was a great addition to the   serving in the armed forces. We all owe so much to
             magazine. Not only is she a top-notch editor, but she   each of them for their sacrifice and service to ensure
             can also write a very compelling article herself. As the   that each of us continues to live in the land of the free.
             magazine grew, Erin added another editor, Marilyn
             Garrett, a 30 year "veteran" English teacher who adds
             red-pen editing precision to our articles. Erin’s most
             patient husband, Brad, has pitched in as not only       Respectfully submitted by
             photographer but also our resident computer expert.     Larry A. Williams
             He has been a constant supporter of all our efforts.
                                                                     U.S. Air Force Veteran
             According to my best count, we have published over
             300 veteran articles since Erin’s first article about   Writer, Lubbock Senior Link Magazine
             Mr. Mercer. I feel sure that he would be proud that
             the magazine is still going strong by honoring our      Board member, Outreach and Veterans
             veterans as we publish their stories every fall. After   Liaison Co-Chair
             several years of publishing the veterans’ edition, Erin
             began calling these “keepsake editions.” That’s a       Texas South Plains Honor Flight
             perfect way to describe each fall edition. Many of the

                                                              Texas South Plains Honor Flight was established in 2012.
                                                               Our mission is to transport as many veterans to Washington
                                                               D.C. to visit the memorials dedicated to honor them for their
                                                                many sacrifices as we can. Since the inception Honor Flight
                                                               has transported over 1000 veterans from the South Plains to
                                                                visit the memorials.  The veterans need not have served in
                                                               active combat to be eligible for this trip of a lifetime. This trip is
                  If you can read this, thank a teacher.                 offered at no cost to the veterans.
              If you are reading in English, thank a veteran.

                               Texas South Plains Honor Flight works solely off of donations
                                   from Companies, Organizations and private Citizens.

                    We conduct various fund raisers throughout the year in our community to make this trip possible. The entire
                    staff for the Honor Flight is volunteer; we have no paid staff members. We do require a guardian travel with the
                    veterans to assist them with any needs on the trip. We encourage the veteran to take someone close to them
                    on the trip. However, if they do not have someone who can make the trip with them, we will provide a volunteer
                                 guardian for them. The guardians are required to pay a fee to make the trip.

        PO Box 94787                                                                        806.790.4635
        Lubbock, TX 79493                                                 texassouthplainshonorflight. org

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