Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 10

A Decade of Honoring

                                                               Area Veterans

                                                               by Larry A. Williams

                                                                                              country. After the
                                                                                              writers went out
                                                                                              and interviewed
                                                                                              veterans, that 2015
                                                                                              edition grew to
                                                                                              sixteen veteran
                                                                                              stories and sixty-
                                                                                              four pages!

                                                                                              The magazine
                                                                                              began to grow
                                                                                              steadily over the
                                                                                              years, landing in
                                                                                              several locations
                                                                                              around Lubbock
                                                                                              and the South
                                                                                              Plains. The
                                                                                              magazine is
                                                                                              published four
               ’ve thought a lot about this    Navy veteran of WWII. He also                  times a year,
               being the tenth year of the     went on the first Honor Flight out   spring, summer, fall and winter,
            Ifall veterans’ edition of the     of Lubbock back in 2012 and was   with varying themes for each
            Lubbock Senior Link magazine.      heavily involved as a committee   season. It is totally free for the
            Ten years, one decade. To put      and board member during the       readers, thanks to our amazing
            this milestone in perspective,     early years. The fall 2014 edition   sponsors, many of whom are
            on May 23, 2024, my wife Janet     was only 16 pages long.           leading businesses in the area.
            and I attended the high school                                       They also believe in honoring our
            graduation of Hannah Agee          If my ever-failing memory is      veterans and support our efforts
            here in Lubbock. Hannah is the     correct, Erin reached out to me   annually. This magazine could
            eldest of four daughters of proud   in early 2015. The story of Mr.   not exist without their support.
            parents, Brad and Erin Agee. Erin   Mercer seemed to have piqued
            is the owner of the magazine.      the interest of Lubbock and       As the number of stories and
            Hannah was only in the second      surrounding communities. Erin     pages of the magazine grew, so
            grade when we began this annual    contacted me and said she had     did the circulation and sponsors
            edition dedicated to interviewing   seen some of my articles in the   in West Texas. In the first
            and getting our area veterans’     Lubbock A-J about the Honor       year, 2014, that Erin took over
            stories published! My, how time    Flight and a few veterans whom    the magazine, the circulation
            flies.                             I had interviewed. Her passion    was 4,000 per year. This year,
                                               and vision were to do a veterans’   the circulation is closer to
            Our first full veterans’ issue was   edition every fall and asked    approximately 11,000 copies.
            published back in 2015. However,   me (along with a few other        As for the size of the veterans’
            the seed for the idea of honoring   writers) to join her in honoring   edition, last fall’s edition
            our veterans was planted by Erin   our area veterans in this way. I   contained twenty-five veteran
            Agee. She interviewed the first    agreed and enlisted the aid of    stories and jumped to a hefty one
            veteran, Howard Mercer, for the    Katherine McLamore, who was       hundred and eight pages!
            fall 2014 edition. Howard was      also interested in interviewing
            a former neighbor of Erin and      those who had served their

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