Page 33 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 33

Exceptional                                                              EXCEPTIONAL SENIORS


     "The Soul of                  Olton                     "

          Mozelle Trotter

         by Gayle Willson

              his is the title Mozelle Trotter’s
              nephew gives to her because of
         Ther dedication to the community,   exchanged for the next 3+ years, and   We have
         the history, but especially the people of   then the proposal came. They had their   been
         Olton. Mozelle is a young 97 years old,   first date during his leave and began   blessed
         and she has seen numerous changes,   married life a year later. They farmed   to have
         being a part of many of them. She has   for a while in the Circle community, but   her as our
         been a long-time patient of Grand   Gene soon became a banker at Olton   client and
         Hearing, the first to help get our doors   State Bank; later, he worked for Frito   friend.
         open in Plainview. She boasts of the first   Lay. Meanwhile, Mozelle was raising   Since the
         time J. Wampler (my father) tested her   their two boys, Mike and Pat. Mike and   beginning
         hearing. She had a key to the church,   his wife Marsha have three sons and   of her
         and it was a quiet place, conducive to a   live in St. Peters, MO; Pat and Kelly, of   hearing
         hearing test.
                                             Belton TX, have two daughters and a   loss
         Mozelle was born in Olustee, Oklahoma,   son. Mozelle is Aunt Mozie to two nieces   journey,
         and, in 1929, she moved to the Olton   (Melody and Kim) and nephew (Kevin)   my father,
         community for her father to farm with   who stay close to help her now as she   and now
         her grandfather, Papa Moss. She was   lives in Sandhill Village, the assisted   Blair and I, are able to keep her in new
         the oldest of three girls, treating her   living center Mozelle helped to establish,   technology for her best understanding
         youngest sister, 15 years younger, as her   in Olton.                    and hearing. We offer her wax removal,
         baby doll. After a short time of farming,   Mozelle has been many things to Olton   when needed, cleaning and service
         her father purchased the Variety store   and involved in the growth of this small-  on her hearing aids, yearly hearing
         in Olton and built a two-story structure,   town west of Plainview. She was very   evaluations, updates on the technology,
         Whittington Mercantile, on Main     instrumental in getting the Care Center   and great conversation when she comes
         Street. The family lived upstairs, along   started and has been named Chamber of   into our office. When I go to see a patient
         with five rental units. Mozelle and her   Commerce Woman of the Year. She has   in the Care Center, I am always greeted
         husband, Gene, lived in two rental   participated as the official scorekeeper   with “Aunt Mozie’s” warm smile and big
         rooms right after their marriage, and   for youth baseball and has worked as   hug. (I wish I could have seen her in the
         the Mercantile ultimately became a Bed   a journalist for The Olton Enterprise for   community production of Arsenic and
         and Breakfast, now called The Hunting   50 years, writing a weekly article. She   Old Lace!)
                                             has also been involved with RSVP in   We look forward to becoming part
         Mozelle met her husband in high school,   Plainview, helped to get the Sandhill   of your story. Come to our office in
         but both were very shy. The week after   Celebration started, and been given   Lubbock or Plainview, and we will have
         graduation, Gene joined the Navy, and   the award as the Longest Living Olton   a cup of coffee, screen your hearing, and
         Mozelle felt it was important to write to   Resident.                    the journey begins.
         the “boys in the service.” Letters were

                Gayle (Wampler) Willson is a Board-Certified Hearing   legacy in the evaluation and servicing of hearing and
                Instrument Sciences (Specialist), Blair Willson is a Hearing   hearing devices. Call today for an appointment.
                Instrument Specialist, and we have 48 years of Wampler   806 438 8270, 806 288-8585

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