Page 25 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 25


                                                    teaching the next weekend.    When Dyan is not painting, teaching,
                                                    Arrangements were made for    or showcasing her delightful
                                                    them to stay with a couple,   works of art, she is being MeMa
                                                    and with free time during     to her grandchildren and great-
                                                    the week, they were able to   grandchildren and just enjoying time
                                                    see the sights the area had to   with her close-knit family. Perhaps
                                                    offer. It turned out to be quite   there is another artist waiting to be
                                                    an adventure.                 discovered in her family tree, and of
                                                                                  course, we know the teacher who can
                                                    So, what advice does Dyan     fill the bill.
                                                    give to her students to help
                                                    them hone their painting      Dyan was the featured artist at the
                                                    skills? “Do not overwork      Lubbock Arts Festival at the Lubbock
                                                    your work. As in watercolor,   Memorial Civic Center on April
                                                    get in, get out, and let it dry.   13-14, 2024, and has been invited
                                                    Leave it alone, and when      to showcase her work at the 10th
                                                    it dries you can go back in,   Annual Art on the Llano Estacado
                                                    but you’ll leave some of the   at the Texas Tech Museum on June
                                                    lighter behind. You can layer   12-23, 2024.
                                                    it that way. Often, students
                                                    don’t do that, and they go    She is in the West Texas Watercolor
                                                    in and just make mud!” she    Society and has signature status in
                                                    exclaimed.                    the Western Federation of Watercolor
                                                                                  Societies. Her work can be seen at
                                                    Dyan recommends taking all    The Adobe Fine Art in Ruidoso,
        When she stepped into the teaching   the workshops and classes you can,   NM and in Lubbock at Broadway
        arena, it was to a group of over
        50s at the Osher Lifelong Learning   even if you don’t like the teacher’s   Contemporary Fine Art.
                                             style. You can pick up something
        Institute at Texas Tech. With the
        encouragement of a friend and        from everybody when you take a
                                             class, no matter how long you have
        notes to help Dyan structure her
        class, it became the first of many   been painting.
        opportunities she would have to      As to her own works,
        teach throughout Texas and New       Dyan finds the picture
        Mexico.                              she wants to paint and
                                             then builds around the
        Four or five years ago, Dyan was     rest. She takes a lot of
        offered a unique opportunity. She
        received an email from a lady in     photos from New Mexico
                                             outside of Las Vegas,
        Alaska, asking her to come teach
        a workshop. Her first thought was    New Mexico and also in
                                             the Hill Country of Texas
        that she had no intention of driving
        all that way. “We got to talking back   for her inspiration but
                                             avoids using the local
        and forth,” said Dyan, “and she had
        enough points saved to fly me up     color. “Maybe it is a little
                                             run-down building,” she
        there. It was our anniversary, so my
        husband David paid to fly with me.”  says. “I can go out and see
                                             a building but then bring
        Some of the attendees couldn’t afford   it back to life using just
        the retreat, so the host asked the   about every color I can
        Newtons if they would be interested   think of in my pallet.”
        in staying a week, with Dyan

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