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          LCU Associates

          Intentional Purpose, Heartfelt Service

             by Sheila Dye

            2023 – 2024 Board: (L-R bottom) Kathy Prather, Jeannie Jones, Donna Hamil,
            Beverly Crossnoe, Sandra Blackwood, Sheila Dye, Paula Gannaway, Sharla Huddle;
            L-R top) Shirley Bobbitt, Sue Beene, Jeanette Tidwell, Dona Richardson, Kathy
            Sanderson, Maxine Stutler, Carol Dahlstrom; missing from photo: Linda Willis,   S.J. (Nathan) Dahlstrom, author of the award-winning
            Christi Hadley, Jan Crockett, Bennie Raney, Pat Stumbo, Janelle Thornton, Hoycille   Wilder Good book series, was guest speaker at the full-
            Valentine                                                  capacity 2024 Spring Luncheon.

               ubbock Christian College,     Steve and Emily Lemley, 1965
               now the four-year university   alumni of the university, have
          Lknown as Lubbock Christian        devoted their lives to Christian
          University (LCU), was a fledgling   higher education. Through the
          two-year college when it welcomed   years, Steve faithfully served
          its first student body of 110 on   in faculty, administrative, and
          September 24, 1957. Financial times   executive leadership roles at LCU
          were hard. Campus needs were       and Pepperdine University. He was
          many. Belief in the mission was    the fourth president of LCU from
          unwavering.                        1982 to 1993 and served as a member
                                             of the Board of Trustees from 1982
          An organizational meeting of 144   to 2012. Steve credits the Associates
          women was held in the on-campus    for always giving him and the      Kathy Sanderson and Donna Hamil serve year
          cafetorium barracks on April 29,   university encouragement, positive   after year in the LCU Pie Booth at the SP Fair.
          1958. Inaugural members of the     reinforcement, and support.
          Associates of LCC included local                                      and service ethic established by the
          and regional women of faith, who   Emily, a lifelong educator and     women who started the organization
          dedicated their efforts, time, and   champion for Christian higher    so many years ago.” Sixty-six years
          resources to recruiting members,   education in her own right, has been   later, this organization continues
          promoting Christian higher         a proud member of the Associates   with the same purpose and heart
          education, and raising funds for   for many years. She says, “The     of service. Membership ranges
          the school. By September 1959, the   Associates are some of the most   between 130 and 150, and children
          not-for-profit organization was    loving women I know. They do not   and grandchildren of some of the
          1,000-members-strong, with local   hold grudges. They do not criticize.   original members serve with long-
          chapters throughout the South      They just serve Jesus. They love   term and newer members. Sandra
          Plains, all united in a mission to meet   each other. The teamwork they   Blackwood, organization president
          the needs of LCU.                  exhibit is unusual in today’s world.   from 2022-2024, credits early and
                                             I see a continuation of the culture   longtime members for inspiring

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