Page 22 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 22


          for good food at The Women’s Club,   organizations serving unique needs
          the organization has published       in the Lubbock community.
          several cookbooks, most recently as a
          fundraiser in 2010.                  In like manner, the LWC has
                                               benefited from the generous support
          Members of the LWC enjoy a wide      of others. For example, Margaret
          array of interesting activities from   Talkington was instrumental in
          which to choose. Special Events,     producing fashion shows in the
          Projects, Community Events, and      LWC building and in making land
          Roundtable Luncheons are examples    available for expansion. She was
          of the options. The Roundtable       an outstanding Lubbock leader
          Luncheons provide presentations      impacting this and other community
          on topics such as Creative and       organizations.
          Fine Arts; Fabulous and Fun
          Fashions; Games Days; Heritage and   Another benefactor, Ernestine
          Enrichment; Health and Wellness;     Welborn Payne, sought to provide
          Facts, Faces, and Finds of Lubbock;   educational, historical, and
          Music and Entertainment; and         timely programs for the Lubbock
          Travel and Leisure. Many of the      community by hosting nationally-
          activities are open to guests and/   known speakers at dinners to
          or the public. An annual travel      benefit the Lubbock Women’s Club
          opportunity (Spring Fling) also takes   Historical Foundation. Presenters
          members and spouses to national      have included former First Lady
          or international sites of interest. In   Barbara Bush, columnist Heloise,
          addition, the LWC building has been   Captain Chesley Sullenberger, and
          the site for weddings, showers, wine   TODAY Show host Hoda Kotb.
          dinners, family and class reunions,   Margaret Mead once said, “Caring
          receptions, and private birthday     has the gift of making the ordinary
          parties for members and others in the   special…. Never doubt that a small
          community who have contracted for    group of thoughtful, committed
          services.                            citizens can change the world.
          Members of the LWC have many         Indeed, it‘s the only thing that ever
          opportunities to gain knowledge      has.” What began with the vision of a
          and friendships, but as a wise man   caring group of Lubbock women has
          (Desmond Tutu) once said, “We are    grown to provide involvement, joy,
          made for togetherness, for goodness,   and learning for many citizens within
          and for compassion.” In the spirit of   the Lubbock community.
          compassion, The Lubbock Women’s
          Club makes annual donations to local

            Membership dues in The Lubbock Women’s Club and Junior
            Women’s Club are accepted on or before May 1 each year. Applications for
            new membership are accepted throughout the year from individuals
            living in the Lubbock/ West Texas area.  Women interested in membership
            are invited to call 806/763-6448 for additional information regarding the
            application process.

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