Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 27


         RED RAIDERS

        at the Races

        in Ruidoso

        by Curt Langford,
        Texas Tech Alumni Association

             hrough the years, Texas Tech students and alumni   last year to accommodate larger crowds. This year Red
             have enjoyed a recreational relationship with the   Raiders will have private access to the large, covered patio
       TRuidoso mountains. While it would be hard to          outside the newly constructed Anejo Cantina, as close to
        determine the exact amount, a sizable number of alumni   the races as one can get without being a jockey!
        have retired to or have second homes in Lincoln County,
        NM, with generations of students making memories on   Red Raider Weekend at the Ruidoso Downs has helped
        the mountain throughout seasons past.                 enable the establishment of the TTAA's Ruidoso Chapter,
                                                              with the vision of offering Texas Tech scholarships to
        With a summer fondness for the cool New Mexico pines,   future students from Lincoln County.
        the Texas Tech Alumni Association hosted its inaugural
        Red Raider Weekend at the Ruidoso Downs six years ago,   Roswell, New Mexico native and Alto, New Mexico
        formalizing Texas Tech Day at Ruidoso Downs. It's been   resident, David Deason '80, '10, agreed to lead the alumni
        a popular event ever since, with increased turnouts every   chapter and is committed to building Texas Tech's
        year among local alumni and those making the trip from   presence with local alumni, leveraging the summer event
        Lubbock, the Panhandle, Eastern New Mexico, and other   to their advantage.
        parts of Texas.
                                                              A Saddle Tramp while at Tech, Deason has a history of
        In its early years, the weekend included a Friday     managing restaurants in Lubbock, including the former
        reception at Billy the Kid Casino, with a lunch buffet in   Santa Fe Restaurant and Bar at Fourth Street and Avenue
        the All-American Turf Club prior to the races on Saturday.   Q and later the legendary County Line Bar-B-Q near the
        The Masked Rider makes a celebratory run on the track   airport. He then managed Top Tier Catering on campus
        to officially begin the races on Tech Day, followed by a   before retiring in 2021. An avid skier at Ski Apache, he
        group picture with the mascot trackside. Live concerts   spends most of his days on the mountain; the opportunity
        have often culminated the day, including Tech's own Josh   to lead the chapter was a good fit for him and the TTAA.
        Abbott in 2022.
                                                              “Red Raider Weekend at the Ruidoso Downs is a popular
        With the event's growing popularity, the association's   weekend with our local alumni and so many who make
        National Board of Directors hosted its summer board   the trip. As someone who loves this area and my alma
        meeting last year in conjunction with Red Raider      mater, it was a natural next step to get more involved
        Weekend at the Ruidoso Downs.                         with a local chapter to connect with our New Mexico Red
                                                              Raiders,” Deason said.
        The Friday night program evolved into a wine reception,
        with entertainment at Enchanted Vine, and an optional   Deason was also recently nominated to the association’s
        golf tournament was added at Rainmakers Resort. Tickets   National Board of Directors, beginning his first term
        were limited as the event outgrew the space provided, but   this spring.
        Ruidoso Downs opened an outdoor beer garden trackside

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