Page 20 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 20
The Lubbock Women’s Club: FACTOR
Center of Community Activity:
Delightful Food Graciously Served in an Elegant Setting
by June Hogue
J.T. and Margaret Talkington
It feels good to be in a community…. We are much more than individuals when we
are part of a community. And this is how things ought to be. (Tony Blackshaw)
he Lubbock Women’s Colonial Revival-styled building
Club (LWC) has an 80- which previously housed The
Tyear history of uniting Plains Funeral Home.
area women and the Lubbock
community. The Club provides an Many people have driven down
atmosphere of warmth, delightful Broadway Avenue and wondered
food, and charm. If a delicious about the well-kept, two-story,
salad, tempting entrée, tasty stately building supported by
dessert, and beverages served majestic columns. The structure
with silver appointment on fine was built during 1940-41 by Joseph
linen at a table featuring a colorful James McLoen, Jr. [grandfather
centerpiece sound inviting, The of LWC member Cassandra
Lubbock Women’s Club is the (Sandy) Henry]. The property Tricia Duncan
place to be! was purchased by The Lubbock
Women’s Club for $50,000 in 1949. The building—and the
Eighty years ago, a city-wide It has undergone renovations and organization it serves—have
gathering of 70 women (called the repairs throughout the years, and survived the devastation of
Better Citizenship Conference) a paved and lighted parking lot is the May 11, 1970, tornado and
sought to provide a permanent now provided for the convenience the Covid Pandemic during
location where 22 clubs could meet of guests. This exceptional home 2019-20. One might ask, “How
in comfort, safety, and elegance. has been recognized at the local could this 80-year-old, non-
Five years later (1949), The (1979) and state (2014) levels as an profit organization maintain its
Lubbock Women’s Club acquired historic landmark. quality service to the citizens of
a physical home in the beautiful, this region through decades of
20 Lubbock Senior Link