Page 24 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 24


        By Color

           Dyan Newton

        by Cheryl Goforth

               bernathy artist, Dyan
               Newton, has made quite
        Aa name for herself with
        her colorful, red roof architectural
        structures and floral paintings. From
        the moment she opened the door       Monterey High School,
        to invite me into her studio, I was   having taken not a single
        awed by the beauty of her work. Her   art class. Becoming an artist
        creations are truly eye candy for the   was not on her radar.
                                             It was the joy of crafting
        Born in Wichita Falls, her family    that would eventually be
        lived in Dallas for a short time before   the hook to draw her into
        moving to Houston. Then in 1965,     picking up a brush for
        her father, a salesman for a spray gun   the first time. Dyan was a
        equipment company, was transferred   married working mom in
        to Lubbock. Dyan attended Evans      her 30s when a friend down
        Junior High and graduated from       the street introduced her
                                             to tole painting. “Oh, my
                                             gosh,” she exclaimed. “It            “I’ve taken
                                             looked like fun, so I decided to take   from a lot of
                                             the class from Mrs. B’s.” Dyan was   well-known
                                             extremely nervous to put down that   artists. But
                                             first brush stroke, but when she did,   I always
                                             she was hooked.
                                                                                  came back to
                                             Even before that class was           watercolors,”
                                             completed, Dyan had her eye on an    she remarked.
                                             oil painting class being taught across   Then a friend
                                             the hall. One thing led to another,   from Amarillo
                                             and before she knew it, she was      introduced
                                             taking classes in oils, then pastels,   her to acrylics. “I never liked acrylics
                                             and finally watercolors.             because they looked so stiff, but I got
                                                                                  into that and created my own style. I
                                                                                  don’t use any water in them, except
                                                                                  to create a base coat.”

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