Page 23 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 23

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

         THE LIGHT


       by Kara Copeland,

              n February 22nd,
              BeyondFaith Hospice           This year's service featured music   BeyondFaith family and allow the
       Oheld its Celebration of             from singer and guitarist Bryson    interdisciplinary hospice team to
       Life service. This annual event      Dunn and words of comfort were      continue offering support.
       brings together family members,      delivered by hospice chaplain, Dean
       friends, and the wider community     Daniel. At the conclusion of the    Anyone who was unable to attend
       to remember and celebrate the        service, family members were invited   the service can see photos on
       lives of their loved ones. The       to light a candle in memory of their   BeyondFaith Hospice website at
       nondenominational service was held   loved one and were given special
       as a time of reflection, healing, and   remembrance candles that read “The   under ‘Celebration of Life.’
       support. The theme of the service    Light Remains.”
       came from the quote, “There are
       some who bring a light so great to   The annual Celebration of Life
       the world, that even after they have   provides a wonderful opportunity
       gone, the light remains.”            for families to reconnect with our

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