Page 19 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 19


          Make A

             Moonlight Musical


               or 19 years, theatre lovers have
               been treated to a wonderful
          Fcultural experience at the
           Moonlight Musicals Amphitheatre, 413   sets for Texas Tech Opera and local   promises to bring the same level of fun,
           E. Broadway, in Lubbock’s Mackenzie   High Schools, and a yearly tradition of   imagination, and professionalism that
           State Park. Outstanding musical     professional-grade family entertainment   has made an evening at Moonlight a
           performances staged there have      under the summer stars.             tradition worth sharing. The summer
           delighted audiences of all ages since the                               begins as they take you through the
           beginning.                          The family legacy of Moonlight      whimsical world of Seussical and
                                               continues with the husband and wife   its playful celebration of Dr. Seuss,
           Behind this success and passion is   team of Tom and Amy Laney. Tom and   performing June 13-22! Then, July
           a firm commitment to what matters   Amy first met in a production of South   11-13, sail across the ocean with the
           most: family. From the first production   Pacific that was produced by Moonlight   Moonlight Academy as they present the
           of Moonlight Musicals to the current   Musicals in 2014. In the years since, they   magic of Moana JR! Next, journey with
           slate of shows during the 2024 summer   have married and had two sons, who   them in a Biblical story of dreams, in
           season, family has been a driving force   now audition with them in the summer.   the heartwarming and high-energy tale
           behind the decisions of MM staff and   Tom Laney is the Executive Director   of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor
           leadership. Moonlight Musicals is the   of Moonlight Musicals, and Amy is   Dreamcoat, August 1-10. To close this
           brainchild of Founder and Artistic   the Academy Director. Together, they   exciting summer, The Lion King JR.
           Director, Gerald Dolter. As he was   have worked with theatres and schools   will take its place on Pride Rock as the
           sitting on the hill that overlooks the   across West Texas, and they are thrilled   second Academy show of the year,
           amphitheater, considering the future   to be spearheading the mission of the   September 12-14.
           of arts in Lubbock, a full moon rose   organization that initially brought them
           over the horizon, and his wife said,   together.                        Doors open at 7pm and shows begin
           “We’ll call it Moonlight Musicals.” From                                at 8pm. Individual tickets for each
           that humble beginning, Moonlight    Over the decades, families have come to   production as well as Season Tickets are
           has grown to include an academy that   the Moonlight Musicals Amphitheatre   available at
           serves hundreds of children a year,   to enjoy quality musical theatre in
           a professional scene shop that builds   a relaxed environment. Guests are
                                                             invited to bring
                                                             picnic blankets,
                                                             lawn chairs, and
                                                             even food and drink
                                                             from home or their
                                                             favorite restaurant.
                                                             The seating is open,
                                                             with plenty of space
                                                             to move around, even
                                                             when the crowd fills
                                                             up to over 500 a night.
                                                             The 2024 season at the
                                                             Moonlight Musicals
                                                             Amphitheatre              Buy Tickets Now

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