Page 15 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 15

dirty. They explored,   address solutions to essential natural resource
                                         caught, measured,      and water issues. Among those stakeholders are
                                         encouraged,            federal and state agencies, municipalities, universities,
                                         questioned,            K-12 schools, landowners, and other local groups who
                                         hypothesized,          share expertise, planning, and resources. Alongside
                                         corrected, ran,        these community partners, our faculty, students, and
                                         whispered, walked,     staff cultivate relationships and collaborate on solutions.
                                         dreamed, and
                                         laughed all day        The LRFS is the model for how a partnership with a
                                         long.”                 regional community alliance resource, higher education
                                                                resources, and a collaboratively developed agenda
                                         –A fifth-grade teacher  can help move land stewardship and natural resource
                                                                understanding proactively forward. A ‘sense of place’ in
          The Texas Tech-Junction Center is also home to the    nature is fundamental to learning and understanding.
          Llano River Field Station (LRFS), a unique initiative   The LRFS will serve as the base of operations for all
          by Texas Tech to use its vast resources and academic   research initiatives for both master’s and doctoral
          expertise to assist Texas Hill Country communities in   students working on projects within, but not limited to,
          solving natural resource and education problems.      the greater West Texas region.

          For more than a decade now, the LRFS has brought a
          diverse mix of stakeholders together to research and

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