Page 84 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 84

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES



         pREVEntatiVE caRE

         by Marcella Ford, Aging & Disability Services Program Director, Silver Star

              ilver Star Health Network, a   Silver Star, guides the IDT
              Division of StarCare Specialty   in determining appropriate
         SHealth System, provides            preventative services to
         comprehensive medical care as well   provide for each participant
         as support services through the     based on individual need.          people with certain underlying
         Program of All-Inclusive Care for the   In addition to annual wellness   medical conditions.” (2023, Dec. 14).
         Elderly (PACE). Silver Star’s mission   exams and screenings, one of   Urgent Need to Increase Immunization
         is to provide quality medical care   the preventative measures he      Coverage for Influenza, COVID-19, and
         and an array of support services    recommends for every participant   RSV and Use of Authorized/Approved
         to people with health challenges,   is to follow the Centers for Disease   Therapeutics in the Setting of Increased
         ensuring they are able to live at   Control and Prevention (CDC)       Respiratory Disease Activity During
         home and be part of the community.   guidelines for vaccinations.      the 2023 – 2024 Winter Season. CDC.
         The Silver Star PACE program has                             
         served the aging population in      The CDC recently issued a Health
         Lubbock County since 2010.          Alert Network Health Advisory to   Due to many participants in
                                             alert healthcare providers to low   the Silver Star program dealing
         Silver Star utilizes an             vaccination rates against influenza,   with health issues, such as
         Interdisciplinary Team (IDT)        COVID-19, and RSV (respiratory     COPD/Asthma, cardiac disease,
         approach which provides             syncytial virus). According to the   rheumatological conditions,
         coordinated, comprehensive care     health alert, “Low vaccination rates,   diabetes, cancer and/or being on
         for each participant. The IDT       coupled with ongoing increases     immunosuppressive medications,
         members include the Participant     in national and international      Dr. Rodriguez and others on the
         and/or their representative,        respiratory disease activity caused   IDT regularly educate participants
         Primary Care Physician, Nurses,     by multiple pathogens, including   about the benefits of vaccination and
         Transportation Aids, Dietitians,    influenza viruses, SARS-CoV-2      encourage them to follow the CDC
         Therapists, Pharmacist, Personal    (the virus that causes COVID-19),   guidelines for receiving vaccinations.
         Care Attendants, and others as      and RSV, could lead to more severe   Medical staff are available to
         needed to provide a high-level of   disease and increased healthcare   administer the vaccines in whatever
         communication and individualized    capacity strain in the coming      environment the participant chooses
         attention for each participant.     weeks. Healthcare providers should   and as determined appropriate by
                                             administer influenza, COVID-19,    the IDT, whether it be their home
         The IDT assists participants with   and RSV immunizations now          or at the Silver Star on-site clinic
         receiving the services and care     to patients, if recommended.
         needed to increase and maintain     Healthcare providers should        to make receiving this important
                                                                                preventative care as convenient and
         satisfaction with their quality of   recommend antiviral medications
         life and to remain healthy as long   for influenza and COVID-19 for all   easily accessible as possible.
         as possible. Dr. Enrique Rodriguez   eligible patients, especially patients
         is an internal medicine specialist   at high-risk of progression to several
         and, as the Medical Director for    diseases—such as older adults and

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