Page 86 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
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         Q&A with THE                                      Catherine Ariale as Lady, Morgan Scott as Star, Ella Perez as Babe, and the cast of   JOIN AS A

                                                           THE CHER SHOW. Photo by Meredith Mashburn Photography.
         CHER SHOW’s                                                                                                           SEASON MEMBER                                                                            TODAY!

           Morgan Scott (Star)

                                                                                                                                  ENJOY BROADWAY AT THE BUDDY HOLLY HALL THIS 2023 - 24 SEASON

           The cast of THE CHER SHOW. Photo by Meredith Mashburn

                                             >> What other productions have you   and humor to make it just one helluva
                                             participated in before THE CHER     good time.)
                                                                                 >> What’s your favorite song from the
                                             (Theater) next to normal, Into the Woods,   show and why?
                                             Rewind (an 80s pop musical), Chicago,
                                             On the Razzle (TV) The Deuce-HBO, Love   "Song for the Lonely" is the end of Act 1                                              © Disney
                                             Monkey-CBS                          and is just full of inspiration. It is sung     OCT. 5 - 15, 2023                                        MAY 17 - 19, 2024
                                                                                 by all three iterations of Cher when they
                                             >> What has been your favorite part   come together, recognizing a pivotal
                                             about being in THE CHER SHOW?       moment in Cher’s life. It makes you feel
           Lorenzo Pugliese as Sonny and Catherine                               all that she feels!
           Ariale as Lady in THE CHER SHOW. Photo by   Seeing what this incredible team                                                                                                                                   SEASON ADD-ON
           Meredith Mashburn Photography.
                                             accomplishes on a daily basis. It truly   >> Why should people see THE CHER
                                             takes a village. From the team of dressers   SHOW?
          >> How did you get started in your   facilitating a myriad of quick changes, to
          acting/performing career?          the PSM calling hundreds of cues, to the   It gives such an amazing look at the
                                             ensemble adding invaluable texture, I am   music history and influence Cher has
          I was very shy growing up and would   in awe at what each person is providing   had over six decades. It includes 35 of
          only sing alone in my room along with   to make this show such a success.  her hits and hundreds of Bob Mackie
          the radio. I thought I could carry a                                   costumes, that transport you through six
          tune, so unbeknownst to my mother,   >> What is the most rewarding part of   decades of Cher’s life and stardom. The
          I auditioned for the school musical (in   being an actor/performer?    book, from the same writer as Jersey Boys,
          4th grade) ... and got the lead (The 50th                              is wonderfully poignant and filled with
          Annual Polk County Picnic). I went onto   For me, it’s proving to myself what I   humor and love. It includes appearances
          professional productions from that point   am capable of. Imposter syndrome is a   from the amazing people involved                             Photo: DJ Corey                                                         THE INTERNATIONAL SENSATION
          on!                                real thing, and conquering that fear, that   throughout her life: Sonny Bono, Greg                                                                                                    STOMPONLINE.COM
                                             doubt, is rewarding every time.     Allman, Lucille Ball, and more! It's got        JAN. 12 - 14, 2024          MARCH 1 - 3, 2024            JUNE 14 - 16, 2024          FEB. 12, 2024
          >> What inspired you to pursue your                                    lights, glitz, glam, humor and just an all-                              Photo: DJ Corey
          particular role in this show?      >> What is it about THE CHER        around great time. Not to be missed!
                                             SHOW that separates it from other
          Cher is an absolute icon! I have been   productions?
          fortunate to sing her songs in the past                                                                                   EXPERIENCE ALL 5 SHOWS FOR AS LOW AS $220
          with wedding event singing, so the   Not only is this show about a fiercely
          second I saw the opportunity to actually   strong woman, but it was directed and                                                      Best availability in the NEW Sunday Matinee performance!
          “be” her in a show, I knew I had to go   choreographed by women, and Cher
          for it.                            is portrayed by three women. It is not
                                             just a jukebox musical, but a story that
                                             speaks to the strength and independence
                                             women can now have. (Plus tons of glam

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