Page 83 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 83


                                                               exams in plant and soil science, I received a letter of
                                                               congratulations from the graduate school. My status
                                                               was changed from a PhD student to a PhD candidate.
                                                               I was given up to four years to defend my dissertation,
                                                               and my student visa was extended for another four

                                                               That gave me time to pursue another doctorate. I
                                                               was interested in agriculture program planning and
                                                               extension education, so I enrolled in the College
                                                               of Human Sciences—specifically, Family and
                                                               Consumer Sciences Education. At this point, I want
                                                               to acknowledge my wonderful professors, the late
                                                               Dr. Ginny Felstenhousen, Dr. Ruth Martin, and Dr.
                                                               Sue Couche, as well as Dr David Lawver and the late
                                                               Dr. Paul Vaughn who served on my committee. In
                                                               1998, I successfully defended my dissertation and was
         joined me a few months later. We overcame many        awarded a second PhD. By then, I was a father of three
         financial challenges, and I did a lot of odd jobs. (I was   as we had welcomed a son in 1996.
         a newspaper carrier for ten years.) In 1995, I started a   On the eve of my defense, we learned that we won the
         small business—Sam and Co. Trees and Landscape to     American (Green Card) Lottery which eventually gave
         help pay the bills.
                                                               us a citizenship status. (Ed. Note: The Immigration Act of
         TTU gave me credit for work already done in           1990 selected 55,000 immigrants annually from 11 million
         Cameroon. I started with Complex Organic Chemistry    applicants.) I have been able to pursue a career path in
         and other upper-level courses. By December 1988,      Plant Science and in "people science." Today, I apply
         I had my bachelor’s degree, and a master's degree     both backgrounds in the business I started almost 30
         followed in December 1989. I could have headed back   years ago when I was a student. It has yielded much
         to Cameroon as my leave of absence was up, but the    fruit, including the prestigious Arborist of the Year
         political landscape had changed a lot, and I didn’t   award in 2023.
         want to work for the Cameroon government again.       There is so much more to this story but, someday, God
         (Salaries had been slashed by 70 percent, the currency   willing, my autobiography will give the full account of
         devaluated by 50 percent, and I would earn less with   my journey of faith.
         a master's degree than I had earned with an associate

         I was admitted into the doctoral program
         in Agronomy and continued to hustle odd
         jobs. I also had to focus my research on seed
         physiology rather than field research which is
         expensive because it entails a lot of personnel.
         And besides, Texas Tech had a great seed lab
         and a good greenhouse for my research.
         I passed the final comprehensive exam in the
         spring of 1994. It was a great relief.  By then,
         I was the father of two young girls. Within
         a week of passing my final comprehensive

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