Page 29 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 29


            Article Submitted by
            Tamaya Thomas                                                 ESTACADO HIGH

                Tamaya Thomas is a senior at Estacado Early College High School. Her extracurricular
                activities are Early College Ambassador, Soccer, Golf, National Honor Society, and
                Chick-fil-A Leadership. She is the daughter of TorShiba Thomas. When she graduates,
                she plans to attend McMurry University to pursue a career in Accounting.

            and growth is bound to happen even if it is done in a   directing much of what I do, and serves as a compass
            way we never thought possible. He also clarified that   to understand how life's pathway is laid out for me.
            success depends on resilience, the ability to endure   My grandpa, Jesse Johns Sr., has been an inspiring
            when things appear bleak.                           figure throughout my life, but not simply a provider
                                                                of inspiration, he represents the extraordinary,
            My grandfather has always been an incredible        enduring power that comes from having a positive
            influence throughout my life. He has been there to   influence over others and, consequently, leaving his
            offer me guidance and support, especially through   mark on any canvas.
            our shared activities. One of our favorite pastimes is
            watching soccer games. We'll sit together, cheering
            on my cousins or whoever we favor, and discuss
            how the other team plays. We will talk about
            what they are doing, who the best player is, what
            they can do better, and their tactics and strategies.
            Watching a game together is a great way to bond.

            Another thing we do is have conversations about
            underlying meanings and interpretation of lyrics
            in a classic song, often over fifty years old. I have
            always enjoyed this activity with my grandpa
            because he is an exceptional music enthusiast with
            extensive knowledge of various music genres,
            artists, and songs. He has introduced me to
            many incredible artists and songs I may not have
            discovered alone. If I were too tired of a soccer
            game or a long drive, I would still listen to all he
            would say about the song playing in the car and
            the hidden meanings of the lyrics. It fascinates me
            that he knows all these things.

            My grandfather, Jesse Johns Sr., demonstrates
            the importance one person's actions can have on
            others. I am grateful that his words of wisdom
            have impacted me and molded my life the way
            they have. Our shared experiences and cherished
            moments have truly shaped who I am today. His
            excellent advice still influences my personality,

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