Page 24 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 24

Exceptional                                                            EXCEPTIONAL SCHOOLS


             Nationally Recognized                             Talkington School for

             for Excellence                                    Young Women Leaders

          by Julie Wyatt

               alkington School for Young     as an exemplary high-performing    motivation to continue the pursuit
               Women Leaders takes            school. This achievement is a result   of excellence in education. The
          Tpride in receiving not one         of the hard work, dedication, and   award sets a standard for continuous
          but two National Blue Ribbon        passion of everyone involved,      improvement and inspires ongoing
          Awards, a prestigious honor         especially the exceptional educators   efforts to enhance the educational
          recognizing outstanding schools     who provide high-quality instruction   experience for students. Notably,
          in the United States. Awarded by    in an advanced college preparatory   Talkington boasts a remarkable 100
          the U.S. Department of Education,   environment.                       percent graduation rate and 100
          these accolades are a testament to                                     percent college acceptance, solidifying
          Talkington's commitment to academic   The award also acknowledges      its commitment to shaping bright
          excellence and fostering a supportive   Talkington's commitment to creating   futures for its students.
          learning environment.               a safe and enriching
          In 2016 and most recently 2023,     contributing to
          Talkington was among 353 schools    the overall success
          nationwide and one of 28 schools in   and well-being of
          Texas to proudly receive the coveted   students who form
          Blue Ribbon Award. Nominated by     a close-knit family
          the Texas State Board of Education,   from 6th to 12th
          this award highlights the exceptional   grade and beyond.
          efforts of students, teachers, staff,
          parents, and the entire school      This accolade is a
          community.                          collective win for
                                              the entire school
          As a proud member of the Young      community,
          Women’s Preparatory Network,        including teachers,
          Talkington places a strong emphasis   staff, students,
          on leadership development. The Blue   and parents,
          Ribbon Award mirrors the school's   showcasing the
          dedication to empower young women   dedication and
          with the skills and knowledge needed   hard work involved
          to become influential leaders not just   in the educational
          in school but also their communities   process.
          and beyond.
                                              As Talkington
          The National Blue Ribbon Award      School basks
          recognizes schools in two categories,   in the glory of
          with Talkington being acknowledged   this recognition,
          for exceptional academic performance   it serves as

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