Page 25 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 25

2            SENIOR 2 SENIOR

              Dean Parker


              Teacher and


              by Alexandria Leppert and Hannah Agee

         (        annah & Alexandria) Mrs. Dean Parker has
                  worn many hats in her lifetime: wife, mom,
          Hteacher, coach, and mentor. Throughout
           each stage, no matter what situation she faced, she
           excelled through the difficulties with grace. In her
           role as teacher, she connects with every child. Every
           student who walks through her doorway is welcomed
           just as they are, on good and bad days, and is loved
           unconditionally. She treasures the young minds and
           spirits entrusted to her, as she teaches not only the
           curriculum but also how to succeed in life.

           (Alexandria) As both my fifth-grade math teacher and        T h e   E x h i b i t i o n
           my advisor when I returned years later to student-            Sponsored by           In the OMNI
           teach* at Miller, Mrs. Parker has been a reliable and    Helen Jones Foundation        Theater
           supportive presence throughout my journey and            Feb. 19th
           will continue to be a lifelong mentor. Reentering her
           classroom after six years was like stepping through a     through
           time machine that put me right back into my fifth-
           grade self. I walked into welcoming arms and was         May 27th
           taken aback when this teacher, whom I hadn’t seen         Step into the
           in many years, remembered my name. But that’s             paws of our
           how Mrs. Parker is—she believes every student is a       furry friends!
           blessing, and her purpose in entering the education
           field was to make a difference in children's lives.

           (Hannah) One life lesson I have learned is that you
           don’t always recognize people’s gifts until you have
           moved on. I loved Mrs. Parker as a teacher and how
           comfortable she made each of her students. But as I                              806-745-2525

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