Page 26 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 26

moved on to middle school and
         high school, I realized the skills
         and life lessons that she taught
         were moving on with me. I noticed
         the importance of not just passing
         a test but the value of retaining
         information. I still carry the notes
         she provided; they are still useful—
         even in my college courses.

         (Alexandria & Hannah) Mrs.
         Parker described many teachers     (Hannah) Mrs. Parker spoke to us
         who had made such an impact on     about her own mentors, and in
         her as a student that she wanted   reflecting on that, I realized the
         to carry on that legacy as a teacher   ripple effect of teaching. My desire
         herself. Speaking as just two of her   is to teach because of her and the
         countless students, we can testify   other teachers who influenced me.
         that Mrs. Parker has indeed made   As she stated in our interview, “It
         an impact on our lives.            is not the subject you teach; it is the
         (Alexandria) As much as I          relationships you are building. You
         appreciated Mrs. Parker when       may not remember what someone
         I was 11, my appreciation grew     taught, but you will always
         even more when I returned to her   remember how she made you feel.”
         classroom as a student teacher*.   Teachers have the power to inspire
         She has shared much wisdom         children to achieve their highest
         about how to handle difficult      potential while also offering a safe
         situations in the elementary       space for every student to feel
         classroom as well as challenges    welcome. I hope to be that for my
         in the high school setting. I am   future students, just as Mrs. Parker
         grateful for her patient guidance   was for me.
         and support during the stress of   (Alexandria & Hannah) We
         my junior year.  From fifth grade   learned many lessons from Mrs.
         to my upcoming graduation, Mrs.    Parker—beginning with fifth
         Parker has been unwavering in her   grade math, how to overcome
         love and confidence in me.         high school struggles, as well as

          Article Submitted by
          Alexandria Leppert                                            TALKINGTON

             Alexandria Leppert is a senior at Talkington School for Young Women Leaders. She
             competes for the varsity Coronado dive team and enjoys volunteering at the food bank
             and helping with LISD’s Middle School dive team and the novice Lubbock Dive Club
             team. When she graduates, she hopes to study physical medicine (Physical Medicine and
             Rehabilitation-PM&R, is a medical specialty that involves restoring function to persons
             with disabilities.) and pursue a career in health care.

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