Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 27


          advice for the years we face in    prime and composite numbers.       Mrs. Parker ends every email with
          front of us. We both agree that    And while they were initially      “Mathematics may not teach us
          the most memorable math lessons    implemented to engage young        how to add love or subtract hate,
          were the unique “Prime Time        minds, we have both benefitted by   but it gives us every reason to
          Stories” which she has taught to   applying these stories in upper-   hope that every problem has a
          generations of students. They were   level math, including our current   solution.” It’s a good example of
          a fun, interactive way to learn our   Calculus class.                 her philosophy and her legacy.

          *Hannah and Alexandria both participated in the LISD program "Ready, Set, Teach." This program is
          designed for Junior and Senior students interested in pursuing a career in education.

          Article Submitted by
          Hannah Agee                                                    TALKINGTON

             Hannah Agee is a senior at Talkington School for Young Women Leaders. She participates
             in both ballet and piano and volunteers at her church and school. She plans to attend
             Lubbock Christian University and major in Elementary Education.


                                                      Students gain career skills for a lifetime.
                                                     To ensure student success in today’s high-tech, advanced professions,
                                                     Lubbock ISD provides a unique experience at the Byron Martin Advanced
                                                    Technology Center, an entire campus designed to impart real-world skills.
                                                   Across the district, 148 career and technical education classes in 15 career
                                                   pathways prepare students for a world of possibilities after graduation.

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