Page 28 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 28


              Jesse Johns Sr.

              The Power

              of Positive


              by Tamaya Thomas

              t is a wonder how a single      was when my
              individual can leave an         grandpa put me
           Ienduring mark on someone's        on his lap so I
           life, a mark that defines the      could look, and
           person's personality and           he pointed to
           determines so many of their        things out the window to explain.
           actions. How much another can      That simple action of explaining
           influence an individual's life as   things to me is something that he
           a parent, mentor, or friend is     continues to do now.
           fascinating. Positive influence is
           an incredible power.               Respect for others is fundamental,
                                              and I owe this value to my
           One of the most positive           grandpa. He has always been very
           influences in my life is my        respectful to every individual
           grandpa, Jesse Johns, Sr. His      that he encounters, no matter
           presence has been a constant       their ethnic heritage or religious
           comfort and guidance throughout    convictions. His capacity to
           my childhood. One of my earliest   relate with other people sincerely
           memories is when I was three       has driven me. From him, I've
           and on the Polar Express Train     learned the necessity of empathy
           Ride with my family. I remember    and understanding in creating      always uncertain and evolving,
           distinctly how the heat of that hot   meaningful relationships.       and to succeed requires getting
           chocolate felt through my cup. I                                      used to any condition. He taught
           can even recall the noises children   Another thing my grandpa        me that challenges are just
           made in their excitement and how   taught me is the necessity of      opportunities in disguise, and if
           train employees sounded as they    being adaptable and flexible in    we can approach them with an
           walked around the locomotive.      life's unpredictable situations    open mind, willing to embrace
           The highlight of that train ride   that continue to change as time    change, then learning will follow,
                                              goes by. He realizes that life is

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