Page 80 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 80

          Where                           the


         Magic Happens
         Magic Happens

          by Calan Johnson

               ello there, everyone! My name   essential because it brings
               is Calan Johnson, and I am   together different age groups,
        Ha senior journalism major at       and that's where the magic
        Texas Tech University, graduating in   happens.”
        December. I feel so humbled to have                                     combining the best of both worlds. We
        been given this opportunity to serve as   Bridging the generation gap is crucial   can inject new ideas, introduce cutting-
        an intern for Senior Link Magazine. The   in our interconnected world, and it's   edge tech solutions, and help companies
        experiences I have been able to see first-  not just a feel-good notion; there's   stay ahead in the ever-evolving business
        hand have been incredible, and I hope   some serious substance behind it. In a   landscape.
        to serve these remarkable individuals I   professional sense, it's all about tapping
        have reported on to the fullest potential.  into a deep well of knowledge transfer   But perhaps the most important aspect
                                            and synergistic collaboration.      is the way generational linkage nurtures
        To give a brief background on myself,                                   empathy and unity. It's like learning
        I was born in The Woodlands, Texas   Picture this: the older generation,   to speak the same language, even if
        and moved to Montgomery, Texas      with decades of experience, holds   you're from different dialects. When
        around the age of five. It was there that   the keys to the kingdom of tried-and-  people of all ages interact regularly,
        I attended elementary school through   true practices. They've seen the highs   they start understanding each other
        high school, while also having the   and lows, navigated the professional   better. Stereotypes crumble, and bridges
        privilege of playing varsity golf, being   workplace jungle, and know a thing   of understanding are built. This is
        a member of the Montgomery High     or two about decision-making. When   a big deal in today's world, where
        School Golden Bear Marching Band, and   we link generations, we get to unlock   divides seem to be widening rapidly.
        serving in the National Honor Society   this treasure trove of wisdom. They   Generational linkage reminds us that
        along the way.                      can provide mentorship, share lessons   we're all in this together to find solutions
                                            from their career journeys, and guide   to big problems.
        The story that I have lived would not   us through stressful situations. This
        have been possible if it were not for   transfer of knowledge isn't just nice   In a nutshell, linking generations
        the generations that came before me.   to have — it's a game-changer in the   isn't just about making everyone feel
        Montgomery is such a historically rich   professional world.            comfortable — it's a strategic move that
        small town, and every day I am thankful                                 fuels innovation, boosts productivity,
        for growing up in a place and with   On the other side of the coin, younger   and propels organizations forward. It's a
        people who appreciated what came    individuals bring a fresh perspective   win-win for everyone involved, from the
        before them. My grandfather worded   and a knack for innovation. We're digital   interns to the seasoned executives, and
        it better than anything I have heard:   natives, technology wizards, and quick   it paves the way for a brighter future in
        “Linking generations is like mixing all   adapters. When we collaborate with our   our world.
        the best flavors in a big pot of soup. It's   more seasoned counterparts, it's like

             Calan Johnson, from The Woodlands, TX, is a senior at Texas   had and the articles I have gotten to write. Shining the spotlight
             Tech and will graduate in  December 2023. He says, "I have   on the unsung heroes is something I find very special, and the
             had the privilege of interning for Senior Link Magazine this   individuals I have encountered in Lubbock and West Texas truly
             semester, and I have been so thankful for the experiences I have   are that, special."

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