Page 84 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 84

Steve Burris


         AND JEWELER

          by Ted Wilson

            n 2014, a lady is captured by an   for Phillips
            “Opening Soon” sign under a       Petroleum. After
         Ilogo, “Artisan Jewelers,” so she    graduating
          enters the store despite the windows   from high       Steve with 6’7” Billy Dean
          being covered. The gentleman inside   school, Steve
          informs the lady that they are not   tried higher                       shows. He sang with or opened for
          yet open. The lady, nonplussed,     education, but his dreams were
          informs him and his daughter        bigger than college. Branson,       many Grand Ol’ Opry musicians.
          that she is there for them and asks   Missouri was only 2.5 hours away,   Once, while visiting folks back at
          permission to pray for their soon-to-  convenient enough to pursue his   Bartlesville, Steve was in the back
          open business and promptly does     dream of becoming a country music   seat of a Jeep heading west when
          when eagerly given permission.      star. He was encouraged when he     he noticed the driver of a Camaro
          That is how Jody Wilson met Steve   landed a gig as guitarist and vocalist   heading east. He told the driver to
          Burris and how our two worlds       for a band that played in the venue   turn around.  When they caught
          became connected.                   right across from the Donnie and    the Camaro, Steve “caught” the
                                              Marie Osmond Theater. He also       driver—his future bride, Kelly. They
          Steve Burris is a native-born Texan   spent time in Nashville, attempting   married on August 30, 1985, and in
          (Kermit), raised in Bartlesville,   to get a recording deal. During those
          Oklahoma where his dad worked       years, he opened for many big stars,   the ensuing years added Stephen,
                                                                                  Michael, and Rachael to their troupe.
                                                                  Reba            The dream of landing a recording
                                                                  McEntire and    contract grew more elusive. Like
                                                                  the Judds       any starving artist, if a musician is
                                                                  (Wynonna        not a headliner, he must augment
                                                                  and Naomi)      his passion with another trade to
                                                                  among           support a family. Steve and Kelly
                                                                  others. One     had owned a couple of businesses
                                                                  of his favorite   in Missouri, but the musician
                                                                  celebrities     was attracted to something more
                                                                  was Little      creative. His drummer owned a
                                                                  Jimmy           jewelry store, and Steve thought to
                                                                  Dickens, with   himself, “I can do that.” He soon
                                                                  whom he         learned that one doesn’t “start out
                                                                  performed       as good as you think you are, but in
                                                                  twenty or so    time … mastery.”

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