Page 76 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 76



                         A Spudpicker in

           Alma Jane Wood

          Her Life of  Faith, Hope & Love

          by Karen, John and Cecilia Wood

              ormer Texas Tech Health         under the noble direction of her   February 27, 1960
              Sciences Center employee;       mother Veva (Miller) Moravek,
         Fwife of beloved TTU history         whose sacrificial love gave her
         professor, whose legacy lives on in   a model of joyfulness and a strong   sweetheart, Chuck Wood. One
         the Charles L. Wood Annual Lecture   work ethic. As a young teen, Alma   year ahead of her in school, Chuck
         Series; and avid Ranger fan; Alma    helped with the laundry her mother   went to St. Benedict's College in
         Wood has made Lubbock her home       took in to make the rent and was    Atchison, Kansas, in 1955, leaving
         for more than four decades. In that   never too proud to work at the local   Alma to finish her senior year before
         time, she has nurtured a family      diner to keep up with her classmates   embarking on her own college
         of five children, and later twelve   who could afford to pay. Simple     journey at St. Mary's Junior College
         grandchildren, now expanding to      joys from a simpler time included   in Omaha, Nebraska. A rural gal
         three great- grandchildren. Having   catching a show at the Bijou, where   in homespun dresses and naïve
         lost her husband in 1981, and two of   twenty-five cents covered admission   about the world, Alma aced all her
         her children, Alma has experienced   and a package of sunflower seeds to   classes, nonetheless. She and Chuck
         grief and loss, her share of ups and   boot.                             passed their educational aspirations
         downs, but remains forever an                                            on to all five of their children.
         optimist and a joyful example of the   Alma’s Hemingford High School     Additionally, Alma showed that
         virtues of her generation.           days, where she cheered for the     you are never too old for college,
                                              “Spudpickers,” included picture     as she took continuing education
         Born in Alliance, NE in 1937, Alma   shows, gatherings at the Bobcat     courses while raising children and
         lovingly recounts her childhood      Inn, and regular dances with her    then returned to college in her 50s to
                                                                                          pursue a nursing degree
                                                                                          after a career at the TTU
                                                                                          Health Science Center.
                                                                                          Alma and Chuck’s love
                                                                                          story was a fairy tale in
                                                                                          some ways, marrying after
                                                                                          college and beginning a
                                                                                          journey that would yield
                                                                                          a family and plenty of
                                                                                          celebrations with friends
                                                                                          along the way. As a young
                                                                                          couple, they headed for

           Hemingford sophomore Alma and friends decorat-  Alma (center) with her three older   Ft. Leonard Wood in
           ing the HHS gym for the winter formal (c 1953)  sisters and a young cousin     Missouri, where Chuck

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