Page 85 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 85


        “I met a lot of nice and not
        so nice folks in the music
        business. I found out that,
        if you push the boundaries
        that God has set out for
        you, you’re in danger of
        running off a cliff.” Steve
        believes that one reason he
        never got that big record
        deal was that he wasn’t
        willing to “sacrifice [his]
        family on the altar of fame
        and fortune. “               Steve with Little Jimmy Dickens

        In fact, Steve and Kelly
        moved to West Texas at the request   they are welcomed by a décor that   Steve and Kelly enjoy their six- and
        of her dad to help in his business   transports them to the rugged       seven-year-old grandsons, and he
        and to reconnect with him. Steve     American Southwest. Beautiful       considers himself a rich man.
        worked for Joe Thacker and           jewelry is displayed among          Nor has music disappeared from
        mastered his trade and skills at     gorgeous stones, Native American    his life. He still opens for lots of
        Thacker Jewelry in Lubbock. Then     imagery, and an Old West motif.     music acts. He said, “I don’t drink,
        in 2014, he opened his own store in   The pleasant atmosphere welcomes   I know the words, and I know who
        Plainview, where the serendipitous   everyone to either shop or sit a spell.  the star is.” At one time, he was
        meeting with Jody took place. In     Folks often come in with repair     disappointed with the direction
        2016, Artisan Jewelers and Repair    needs and custom design requests.   of his life, but now he is fulfilled
        moved to the present location at     Sometimes a person who has lost     in his roles as husband, father,
        4308 Olton Road in Plainview.        a loved one brings in their jewelry   grandfather, jeweler, musician,
        When one walks through the doors,        for appraisal. Sadness always   friend, and minister. Steve recently
                                                 accompanies loss, and Steve     performed in the Sounds of West
                                                 often spends time with the      Texas concert at the Cactus Theater
                                                 grieving customer, finding      and with Asleep at the Wheel and
                                                 great satisfaction when they    The Texas Playboys for the Jimmy
                                                 leave with a smile. It has      Dean Festival at Wayland University
                                                 become his ministry. His store   in Plainview. His rich, deep,
                                                 is more than a business, and    soothing voice pleases the ears.
                                                 life has taught him how to tell
                                                 when someone needs more         At this stage of his life, Steve has
                                                 than jewelry. His own scars     also accumulated a few words of
                                                 help him relate to scarred      wisdom, like: “Food always tastes
                                                 people.                         better when you’re hungry. Don’t
                                                                                 go after things you don’t need.
                                                 Steve’s passion for a recording   Everyone tends to gravitate towards
                                                 contract gave way to a greater   shiny things. They aren’t so shiny
                                                 passion—investing in others—    when you get a hold of them. Take
                                                 especially his family. His son   care of the soul first, before you take
                                                 Michael, father of Mikey, is a   care of the basics.” These lessons
                                                 graduate of the Texas Institute   were learned the hard way, so that
                                                 of Jewelry and works alongside   those who heed may have an easier
                                                 his dad. Daughter Rachael,      way, shared by an artisan of the
                                                 mother of Wyatt, works for the   heart.
                                                 City of Lubbock. Son Stephen
                                                 is pursuing a college degree.

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