Page 82 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 82




          by Sydney Crane, LMFT

         The community lost a special service   of him as a pup? Chewing up a     his help, Stratton learned to nudge,
         member to cancer this fall, though   fireplace!                          lick, and bark at Alex to distract
         not the type of veteran that likely                                      and alert her when symptoms were
         comes to mind. This service member   Despite his outrageous behavior,    manifesting. Alex will tell you,
         had four paws and over ten years of   which he eventually grew out       Stratton has quite literally saved and
         experience protecting and serving his   of, Stratton had a natural gift for   served her more times than she could
         human.                              learning and picking up cues from    ever count.
                                             his human. He was in sync and
         Meet Stratton Crane, the border collie   intuitive with Alex’s thoughts and   It is important to know some of
         who had multiple nicknames, stories,   feelings, so Alex soon realized   the factors that distinguish service
         and acts of service under badge     Stratton would be more than just     dogs from other trained animals,
         number, K9560.                      a companion and an emotional         such as those trained specifically
                                             support. She could use him, and      for emotional support and therapy.
         Stratton was born April 11, 2013, and   quite honestly needed him, to assist   According to the Americans with
         adopted by his owner, Alex, at eight   her when her PTSD symptoms        Disabilities Act (ADA), service
         weeks old.                          emerged.                             animals are strictly limited to
                                                                                  certain dog breeds and are trained
         (How could any human resist those   Alex Crane, a current first responder   to perform a task or tasks directly
         baby blues?!) Little did Alex know,   in the community, trained and      related to a person’s disability.
         Stratton was a fireball, full of energy   officially registered Stratton as   Service animals are not required to be
         and spice! Alex’s fondest memory    a service dog in January 2016,       certified or go through a professional
                                                    after experiencing severe     training program, do not need to
                                                    anxiety and panic symptoms    wear a vest or ID to indicate they
                                                    associated with a PTSD        are a service dog, and are not the
                                                    diagnosis. Singlehandedly,    same as emotional support dogs
                                                    Alex trained Stratton to      because providing emotional support
                                                    perform specific tasks and    is not classified as a task related to
                                                    behaviors anywhere and        a person’s disability. Additionally,
                                                    everywhere, to distract and   service dogs may go anywhere with
                                                    alert her when she was about   their human, even into places that do
                                                    to have an attack or if she   not allow pets.
                                                    was in the middle of one.
                                                    Alongside his natural ability   TIP: If you are working at a business
                                                    of sensing when she needed    or facility that does not allow pets,

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