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education of the minds of those who study in the      newspaper shelves full of papers hot off the press that
          field of journalism, advertising, telecommunications,   will never get old,” Williams said. “It’s a feeling that
     by Jess Peterson                                           no online article will compare to; honoring traditional
          photography and public relations. But it doesn't stop
          there because those who learn within these walls, many   media is the best way to remember where the history of
          of them at least, will devote their lives to working in the   The Daily Toreador came from.”
          print and broadcast media of Texas and our country.
          In future years, people who study in this building will   CoMC is also home to one of Texas Tech’s longest
          be the leaders in the communications industry in our   tenured professors, Dr. Bill Dean. Dean served as the
          state,” said Mayes.                                   Executive Vice President of the Texas Tech Alumni
                                                                Association from 1978 to 2008, as well as his countless
          The words that Mayes so powerfully proclaimed still   years as an associate professor in the College of Media
          hold true in the year 2023. The College of Media &    & Communication. He graduated from Texas Tech
          Communication represents the pinnacle in media        with three degrees: a bachelor's degree in marketing in
          technology, equipping students with the tools necessary   1961, a master's degree in secondary education in 1965,
          to put their best work forward and bridge the gap     and a doctorate in education administration in 1971.
          between course work and the portfolios that graduates   As recently as 2017, Dr. Dean was presented with the
          use in their aspiring career dreams.                  lifetime service award; his impact on students remains
                                                                one of his greatest achievements.
          A landmark of history that calls the CoMC home is
          the student-led newspaper, The Daily Toreador. First   No matter where you go on campus, you encounter
          published in 1925 as The Toreador, it is an official student   students and faculty who have been impacted in some
          journal recognized by the Texas Tech Board of Regents   way by the service of Dr. Dean. His contributions to
          to serve as a medium of mass communication for the    the university over the years are unparalleled, and his
          campus community and to provide practical experience   professional conduct sets an ideal example for students
          for students interested in mass communications.       to follow.

          Chris Williams, a senior sports reporter for The Daily   Similarly, wherever graduates of the College of Media
          Toreador, says his fondest memories at Texas Tech lie   & Communications land, once their time at Texas Tech
          within the walls of that publication.                 comes to an end, the rich history, the long legacy, and
                                                                the valuable education afforded by the CoMC will
          “To be a part of an institution that holds so much    continue to fuel professionalism and innovation in each
          history is truly something I am proud to say I have   of its fortunate students.
          been a part of when my time
          at Texas Tech comes to an
          end,” Williams says. “The
          experience, friendships, and
          real-world experience is truly
          second to none, and it has
          been an honor to do my part.”

          In a society where online
          publications are becoming
          more and more prevalent,
          the College of Media &
          Communications never fails
          to arm its students with
          the latest in technological
          advancements, without
          forgetting where its roots
          began: in print publications.

          “To have this technology
          at our fingertips is such
          a privilege, but there is
          something about stocking the                                                       photo credit:  Calan Johnson

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