Page 53 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 53


                                                               Now, in addition to working with Uganda’s forgotten
                                                               children, Elizabeth has the privilege of ministering
                                                               through a homeschool cooperative, preparing some of
                                                               the country’s best and brightest for a future of service
                                                               to God and humanity. “I teach Bible to early elementary
                                                               students, grades 1-3, ages 6-8, daily, Monday through
                                                               Friday. I also assist with office administration and staff
                                                               ministry as needed.

                                                               While God’s call for Elizabeth to become a missionary
                                                               was unmistakable, He also had something in Uganda
        In the 1990s, Elizabeth became a Jesus-follower at St.   in store for her
        Luke’s Methodist Church, a congregation she credits    son, Eric. “My son
        with seeing her through a very difficult time in life. Now,   Eric got married at
        as a member of Church on the Rock, she has a network of   the age of 20, and
        other missionaries with whom to coordinate.            he and his wife,

        For many of the children Elizabeth has encountered     Kimberly, decided
        in Uganda, Matthew 9:37 is still as true today as it was   to give a year of
        when first spoken by Jesus. “The harvest is plentiful, but   their life to missions
        the workers are few.”                                  after he graduated
                                                               from Texas Tech
        Regarding her grandchildren in the United States,      University.
        Elizabeth said, “I know my own grandchildren have so   During that year
        many people who love them and so many opportunities.   of preaching and
        Although every relationship is unique, as mine is with   teaching in Uganda,
        my grandchildren, I am comforted to know they have     a beautiful baby girl
        incredibly good grandparents available to them every   came into their lives,   Basham's brilliant smile
        moment. But missing my grandchildren’s early years is   whom God clearly
        still an ache in my heart.” However, she stands on the   established as their
        words of Matthew 19:29: “Everyone who has given up     first child, my first grandchild. Layla has been a huge
        houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or   blessing in all our lives. She was also a cornerstone of my
        children or property, for My sake, will receive a hundred   calling to Ugandan orphans. I knew there were many
        times as much in return and will inherit eternal life.”  children like her who needed to know that God sees
                                                               them, knows them, and loves them.”
                                                               Today, Eric and Kimberly live in Amarillo but oversee
                                                               an organization that builds water wells for villages

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