Page 51 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 51
Jeanie Quest is on a mission. She Quest & Sons) would be spread
is the great-great-great niece of across the floors so that children
the famous author Dr. Clement could indulge in popcorn balls,
C. Moore and is passionate about cookies, divinity, and much more.
keeping the legacy alive. It’s in her Jeanie’s memories of the family
DNA. Her grandmother Lula Moore celebration continue to bring her
Quest was ardently dedicated to joy. The Quests were also generous,
honoring the gift of her great uncle and Gene always loaded up his
Clement. Lula was enamored with family on Christmas Eve to help
all things Christmas and hosted the Goodfellows deliver gifts to
big family gatherings for many children across the city. And every
years. Jeanie remembers beautifully December, his children accompanied
decorated trees, brightly colored him to ring the bell for the Salvation
Lula Moore Quest reading the famous poem to her packages, the long kitchen table Army Christmas fundraiser.
grandchildren, Jeanie, Kathy, Ralph, Art & Ronnie Quest laden with delicious treats, and
aunts, uncles, and cousins galore. Every year, Jeanie spends six to
pictured on Germany’s St. Nicholas and Holland’s eight weeks decorating her home
Sinterklaas. The modern American Santa Claus From her earliest years, Jeanie with hundreds of Santas, elves,
was emerging. Nast drew a smiling round face, remembers her grandmother nutcrackers, fairies, winter scenes,
gathering her grandchildren around
and so much more. This year,
with dimples, red cheeks, twinkling eyes, a long her to read the famous poem. In however, she is investing extra time
white beard, and a plump figure in a red scarlet fact, Lula had little 3-year-old and energy to transform her home
suit—very similar to Dr. Moore’s Christmas Jeanie memorize the 57-line poem into a visual history of the birthday
“visitor.” and recite it in front of a large of Santa Claus and the penning of
audience at her Rebekah Lodge. the famous poem written by her
Haddon Sundblom was an artist who illustrated The Christmas spirit was big in great-great-great uncle Clement.
for Coca-Cola from 1931 to 1964. His images the Quest family. Tarps (from A.E.
were greatly influenced by Moore’s already
famous 100-year-old story, and his ads were so
prolific that Sundblom’s Santa firmly established
the image most Americans associate with the
Christmas character.
Today, Clement Moore’s 200-year-old poem, “A Visit from St.
Nicholas,” has undergone a few minor changes. It is now commonly
known as “The Night before Christmas,” but two centuries have not
clouded the vivid imagery which continues to bring joy to adults
and children alike. Every December 24, children still participate in a
procession to the author’s monument in Manhattan NY.
Dr. Clement C. Moore
Lubbock Senior Link 51