Page 12 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
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         University. He has spent his entire
         career at Texas Tech University,
         except for two positions as a
         visiting professor at Texas A&M
         and a research fellow at the United
         States Air Force Astronautics
         Dr. Schovanec’s path to the
         Presidency of Texas Tech
         University is best described as an
         unintentional pursuit. Prior to his
         appointment in 2016, he served as
         interim president from July 2012 to
         March 2013, and as provost since
         December 2013. He also served
         as dean of the College of Arts &
         Sciences, as well as the chair of the
         Department of Mathematics and       Photo Courtesy of Texas Tech University
         Upon accepting the position of the 17th President of
         Texas Tech University, Schovanec says that there is not
         any day that resembles another; every day requires a
         different perspective.

         “We have lots of meetings, lots of communication,
         and I am extensively involved in matters pertaining to
         enrollment, student success and well-being, and working
         with legislators and donors,” Schovanec described.
         “I must accredit the ease of my routine to my team.
         Without them and their fantastic diligence, my job would
         be much more difficult.”
                                                                  Photo Courtesy of Texas Tech University
         Despite the hecticness that comes with the position of
         being the president of a school of this caliber, Schovanec   aspects of what makes graduates from Texas Tech so
         never fails to speak of how proud he is of his two sons,   special, according to Schovanec.
         accrediting their success to his wife, Patty, who is an
         undergraduate adviser and instructor in the Department   “The first priority of my vision, and of Texas Tech as a
         of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech.           whole, is that we never lose sight of the fact that people
                                                                who come to Tech are ensured that you leave here
         Tyler Schovanec was a former special teams coordinator   career-ready, with a certain disposition that leads you
         and running backs coach for Houston Baptist University;   to success,” Schovanec proclaimed. “I think that’s what
         he has now come back home to Lubbock where he serves   Red Raiders are most famous for. Red Raiders have
         as a special teams analyst for the Texas Tech coaching   an unparalleled work ethic, determination never seen
         staff. Cory, Dr. Schovanec’s other son, was also an    before, and a quality of mind that subconsciously leads
         outstanding high school athlete but concentrated on his   them to success and leadership in their communities,”
         academic career. Cory now serves as a Launch Engineer   Schovanec said.
         at SpaceX, based in Brownsville, TX.
                                                                Schovanec, while not only holding arguably the
         As Texas Tech celebrates its centennial, Dr. Schovanec   most prestigious position for the university, is also a
         says the vision of Texas Tech is evidenced by what     remarkable advocate for the university across the state,
         Red Raiders go on to do in society. The grit and       not just in Lubbock.
         determination of Red Raiders is one of the pinnacle

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