Page 15 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 15





        150th Mesonet Station

             he West Texas Mesonet added    best possible weather information   forecasts and provide us with real-time
             the Lubbock Christian University   to researchers, forecasters, and   data during life-threatening weather
        Tstation more than 20 years after   individuals in the agriculture industry.   conditions so we can more accurately
        its first site was installed.                                           warn the public in a timelier manner.”
                                            “We’ve survived limited funding
        “Lubbock Christian University is    and limited staff through building   As both Weaver and Schroeder pointed
        thrilled to have the opportunity to   partnerships in every phase of this   out, weather intel has become an
        partner with Texas Tech and the     project,” said NWI senior director   essential part of life on the South Plains
        National Wind Institute to serve the   John Schroeder.  “Those partnerships   by helping residents and industry
        people of Lubbock with this 150th   are exceedingly valuable to continued   leaders to better respond to ever-
        weather monitoring station,” said Scott   growth and maintenance of the   changing weather conditions.
        McDowell, President of LCU. “West   network.”
        Texas people are problem solvers by                                     “The network has been woven into the
        nature, and we solve more problems   The mesonet sites monitor 29 different   fabric of life in West Texas,” Schroeder
        when we collaborate than when we try   parameters to aid in the evaluation   said. “It impacts energy, transportation,
        to go it alone—the mesonet network is   of weather conditions, such as   emergency management, research and
        proof positive of that fact.        temperature, wind, relative humidity,   much more.  It's probably one of the
                                            rainfall, soil temperature, soil moisture,   biggest community service projects we
        A joint venture in 1999 between     solar radiation, barometric pressure,   have at Texas Tech.”
        the Texas Department of Economic    and more.
        Development and Texas Tech                                              More stations have been added
        University’s National Wind Institute   Thanks to data provided by the   around the region since the opening
        (NWI) created the West Texas Mesonet    mesonet stations, meteorologists, like   of the station on the LCU campus. The
        (WTM), and almost a quarter century   those at the National Weather Service   154th station was recently added near
        after installing the first weather   (NWS), can more accurately develop   the town of Matador, the site of the
        monitoring site, NWI, in conjunction   forecasts and better inform the public.  devastating tornado in June 2023. Each
        with Lubbock Christian University                                       mesonet site costs close to $25,000 to
        (LCU), has station 150 up and running.  “The word 'gamechanger' is probably   install, which also includes various
                                            overused, but that's what the WTM   recurring fees for maintenance and
        The new station is located on the   has been to weather operations in West   communications.
        Lubbock Christian University campus   Texas—a gamechanger,” said Justin
        near Frankford Avenue and 27th Street,   Weaver, instructor in Atmospheric   When it comes to serving the citizens
        the site of LCU’s cross country track,   Science and meteorologist-in-charge at   of West Texas, Texas Tech and
        which was formerly the LCU golf     NWS. “With the WTM, we now have     LCU are willing partners. When
        course.                             numerous stations 30 miles or less   individuals work together, more can
                                            apart, reporting weather parameters   be accomplished. When large entities
        Just two years ago, the WTM installed   every minute. These high quality,   like businesses and universities work
        station 135 at the South Plains Food   timely observations allow the NWS to   together, we all benefit.
        Bank. Now, another milestone is     accurately diagnose the atmosphere
        reached in the quest to provide the   in order to produce higher-quality

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