Page 9 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 9

Region 17 are being led by
                                                                                     LCU graduates, and our
                                                                                     nursing alumni are serving in
                                                                                     leadership roles at regional
                                                                                     hospitals—approximately half
                                                                                     of the leadership both at UMC
                                                                                     and at Covenant Health System
                                                                                     are LCU graduates. They are
                                                                                     living out the LCU mission
                                                                                     and making a difference in the
                                                                                     world through lives of purpose
                                                                                     and service.”

                                                                                     Despite the incredible impact of
                                                                                     his career in higher education,
                                                                                     President McDowell considers
                                                                                     his greatest accomplishment
                                                                                     in life to be marrying his
                                                                                     wonderful wife, Kay. “Kay has
                                                                                     made all the difference in our
          the University and to the richness   are getting at LCU is a handcrafted   family. She loves God, she is
          and depth of the community and      approach. We make the journey      fiercely supportive of our sons, and
          connection that LCU faculty and     very personal.”                    she is the hardest working person
          staff have with their students. Our                                    I know. I can always count on her
          son was being poured into on so     McDowell continued, “One of        to do what is right.” Kay currently
          many levels and was receiving a     the advantages of being a Christ-  serves as the president of the
          world class education,” McDowell    centered university is that we     Lubbock Chamber of Commerce.
          continued.                          can unapologetically address the
                                              whole person. We start with the    There is no doubt that President
          Thus, in 2020, when the position    understanding that each student    McDowell is making a difference
          for the LCU president became        is created with intentionality and   through his faithful work with the
          available, McDowell felt strongly   purpose, so we engage not just a   community at Lubbock Christian
          that this was an opportunity he     student’s intellectual curiosity but   University. The LCU Brand
          should explore. “I already knew     also get to go to the deeper matters   Promise is “we walk with you,”
          the product they were delivering. I   of their spirit and even their souls.”  and President McDowell is the
          loved the mission and the way they                                     embodiment of that promise. His
          were connecting with students,      “The outcomes speak for            servant leadership is inspiring, and
          and I knew I wanted to join this    themselves,” McDowell shared.      his passion for preparing the next
          community,” he said.                “Our 10-year acceptance rates for   generation for kingdom work is
                                              medical school, veterinary school,   contagious.
          When asked what he loves            physical therapy, occupational
          most about Lubbock Christian        therapy, and various graduate      His message for young people?
          University, President McDowell      schools are so high that it        “God is for you. He is on your side.
          didn’t have to think twice. “The    sometimes shocks people,” he       He is more loving and passionate
          people! They bring the mission      stated. “Our graduates are making   about you than you could ever
          of LCU to life. I love hearing      a significant difference in this   imagine. He is truly good, and He
          story after story of students’ lives   community, in the South Plains   is truly for you.”
          being shaped by the enriching       region, and across the nation.
          relationships of LCU. At Lubbock    In particular, our students are
          Christian University, we genuinely   leading regionally in the fields
          walk with our students. I tell      of education and medicine. Over
          people all the time that what they   one third of school districts in

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