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P. 8


                                                                                  about the difference I could make
                                                                                  serving on the other side of the
                                                                                  Over the years, McDowell had more
                                                                                  than one opportunity to step into
                                                                                  a presidential role, but he turned
                                                                                  them down because they never felt
                                                                                  like the right fit for his family or his
                                                                                  vocational mission. Although he
                                                                                  continued to wait for God to reveal
                                                                                  the right opportunity, McDowell
                                                                                  explained that there were several
                                                                                  situations he thought might be a fit
                                                                                  where the universities turned him
                                                                                  down. “I honestly wondered if the
                                                                                  opportunity to lead an institution
                                                                                  might have passed me by,” he said,
                                                                                  “and I knew I needed to make peace
                                                                                  with that.”
                                                      he worked in various
                                                      leadership roles over       In 2018, after 25 years at Lipscomb
                                                      the next two decades.       University, McDowell accepted
                                                      During that time, he also   an offer at Abilene Christian
                                                      completed his doctorate     University as the Vice President for
                                                      through Azusa Pacific       Student Life. Moving to the rugged
                                                      University in its cohort    landscape of West Texas from lush
                                                      doctorate program focused   Nashville, Tennessee was a shock.
                                                      on training leaders of      McDowell recalled the first time he
                                                      universities. The longer    saw the stark landscape: “I thought
                                                      he worked in higher         to myself, ‘What have I done? This
                                                      education, the more his     is a desert!’ But then I was reminded
                                                      passion grew for fostering   of all the stories in the Bible where
                                                      spiritual development in    God did good work in the desert,
                                                      students’ lives.            and I trusted that God had a plan.
                                                                                  It was actually our move to Abilene
                                                      McDowell recalled the       that opened the door and made our
                                                      moment which sparked        move to Lubbock possible.”
                                                      his desire to become a
                                                      university president. “I    McDowell first became engaged
                                                      had the opportunity to      with Lubbock Christian University
         dream of specifically influencing the   meet Dallas Willard (author of The   as a parent when his 6’11” son
         lives of young people. I knew from   Divine Conspiracy) at a few different   Cade became a Chap and signed to
         my own college experience that it is   conferences I attended. In one of our   play for the LCU men’s basketball
         such a transformational time of life,   conversations about how university   team. “Cade loves to remind us
         and I wanted to make a difference    leadership cultivates spiritual     that he was here first, and he
         in the lives of students. It was at   development for students, Dallas   kids us about the fact that he is
         that time that I realized the best   commented, ‘Leadership is leverage,   ultimately responsible for us being
         use of my strengths was in higher    but it matters who is at the end of   in Lubbock,” McDowell said.
         education as a ministry.”
                                              the lever.’ His words resonated with   “The truth is that our experience as
         McDowell accepted the job at         me, and it awakened in me a desire   LCU parents gave us a front row
         Lipscomb University where            to lead. I began seriously thinking   seat to the high academic quality of

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