Page 18 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
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a basketball coach was well acquainted with WBU because of her service as
and social studies an adjunct instructor there and because her grandmother
teacher in Lubbock was a 1923 graduate of the institution. She loved the
ISD, serving at challenges and emotional rewards of helping adults reach
Thompson Junior their dreams, and she became a full professor, serving in
High and Atkins that role for 12 years before her second retirement.
Junior High, before
becoming head So, how does one divide their loyalties among four
basketball coach and universities? That’s rather like asking, “Which of your
social studies teacher children is your favorite?” The Hogues have learned over
for Coronado High the last six decades to love each of their two children,
School. five grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren equally.
Just as with their progeny, each university is unique in
After 12 years in its characteristics and shared experiences. “Each holds
the classroom and a special place in our hearts and memories. Just as the
Jerry, School Admin. on the hardwood, children and grandchildren have enriched our lives, so
Jerry again enrolled have the various universities.”
at Texas Tech
to prepare for a The Hogues have made their home in Lubbock for the
position in leadership. After completing his master’s in last 23 years. They are actively involved with their church
Administrative Studies at TTU, he learned of an opening (Southcrest Baptist Church) and the community. June
for an assistant principal at his high school alma mater. enjoys involvement in The Lubbock Women’s Club, a
Jerry served as an administrator on both the Slaton P.E.O. chapter (Philanthropic Educational Organization),
high school and junior high campuses before becoming the Lubbock South Plains Retired Teacher Association,
superintendent of Slaton ISD, a position he held for more and a group of school administrators who meet monthly
than a decade. for lunch. Jerry is a 50-year Masonic member, an avid
reader, a Southcrest deacon, and an occasional participant
Following retirement from public education, both Mrs. in a lively golf group of retired superintendents. The
Hogue and Mr. Hogue found fulfillment in institutions Hogues relish being with friends and family. They count
within the city limits of Lubbock. themselves fortunate to enjoy
Mr. Hogue was employed as a Field good health as well as good
Service Agent with the Region 17 friends, fond memories,
Education Service Center. Working and valuable skills they
across 20 counties and 57 districts, have gained from the four
he enjoyed his role as mentor, 100+-year-old-universities
coordinator, and confidant. He with which they have been
completed 15 years in that position associated.
and retired in 2011.
What a special year this is
Following her retirement in 2003 for the prestigious Texas
from public education, June was Tech University (founded
invited to serve as the coordinator in 1923)! She joins Decatur
for graduate and undergraduate Baptist University (founded
studies in education at Wayland in 1891), the University of
Baptist University’s Lubbock North Texas (founded in
campus. She had loved teaching 1890), and Wayland Baptist
night classes for Texas Tech University (founded in 1908)
University and Wayland Baptist in celebrating her century
University while still employed of service! The Hogues
by LISD. She appreciated the unite with all Red Raiders
opportunity to work with adult in saluting Texas Tech on
students who were attending night Hogue Family of 4. reaching her 100th year!
classes to become educators and
school administrators. Dr. Hogue
18 Lubbock Senior Link