Page 14 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 14
by Jane Bromley
of Texas Tech. The Sally Sowell was born in
widely acclaimed Gilmer (East Texas) and grew
International Center up in Tyler. Her dad taught
for Arid and Semi- vocational agriculture, and
Arid Land Studies Sally often accompanied him to
(ICASALS), the check on his students’ care of
National Ranching their chickens, rabbits, calves,
Heritage Center, and hogs. When her dad used
and the American his GI bill to purchase a farm
Windmill Museum in Upshur County, it was her
were established weekly visits with him to the
thanks to his vision. farm which ignited an interest
His oversight was in science. Her mother was a
instrumental in 1926 graduate of the College of
transforming Texas Industrial Arts (now TWU) and
Technological Home Economics teacher, and
College into Texas Sally had many other relatives
Tech University. with careers in education. It
He was an seemed natural that she would
internationally be a teacher.
recognized geologist,
prolific author, “Mother had relatives in Ralls.
uch has been written and distinguished In fact, Zama Ralls was Mother’s
sister, and Zama’s husband
about the late Dr. scientist who, among countless Percy often invited us to visit
MGrover Murray, the other honors, has a peninsula them. It was the 1940s, and
esteemed eighth president in Antarctica named for him. Uncle Percy liked to tour us
of Texas Tech. His tenure Grover Murray’s extraordinary around the area in his big car.
lasted ten years—from 1966- life also included two happy As a young child, I remember
1976—and Tech saw dramatic marriages. His first wife, Nancy, looking up from the back seat
growth under his leadership. former First Lady of TTU, and seeing the roofs of this
He oversaw the launching of passed away in 1985. This is the interesting place as he drove
the School of Law, the School story of the remarkable woman by. I found out it was Texas
of Medicine, and the Museum who captured his heart the
second time. Technological College. From
14 Lubbock Senior Link