Page 17 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 17


        Proud to Celebrate TTU

        (& WBU, NTSU and DBU)!

          by June Hogue, as told to Jane Bromley

            erry and June Hogue are         in Denton) provided the financial
            products of one West Texas      enticement which led her to enroll   the South Plains. (The two had met
         Jhigh school and four Texas        there. She completed a bachelor’s   and begun dating while at Slaton
         universities. One may ask, “Is it   degree in Denton in 1964.         High School.) Following their
         possible to hold strong allegiance                                    wedding in the summer of 1964,
         to more than one university?” The   Jerry also grew up in the Lubbock   June commenced her teaching
         answer is “Yes.” The Hogues are    area. His family of seven lived for   career in Lubbock ISD. Meanwhile,
         living proof that connections with   many years in Slaton, TX, where   Jerry began classes at TTU to
         as many as four institutions of    his father was a lifelong worker for   become a secondary teacher and
         higher education can hold places of   the Santa Fe Railroad. Following   coach.
         fond memory and high regard.       high school, Jerry accepted a
                                            scholarship to play basketball     After six years in the classroom,
         June (Johnson) Hogue grew up on    for Decatur Baptist College (now   June was invited to teach in the
         a small cotton farm in the Posey   Dallas Baptist University). He     College of Education at Texas Tech
         Community between Lubbock          completed an associate degree in   University as an instructor. That
         and Slaton, but she and her family   the spring of 1961 and worked for a   one-year assignment turned into
         decided that the scholarship       short time in Dallas.              11 years at the University—as
         support and NDEA loan program                                         the Hogues enlarged their family
         at North Texas State University    Upon June’s graduation, she and    and enjoyed cheering on the Red
         (now University of North Texas     her soon-to-be husband returned to   Raiders in person. (Decades later,
                                                                               they now follow TTU activities
                                                                               from the comfort of their living
                                                                               After teaching at Texas Tech
                                                                               University, June was employed to
                                                                               serve as a district administrator
                                                                               for Lubbock ISD. By that time,
                                                                               she had completed her second
                                                                               degree (a Doctorate in Education)
                                                                               from Texas Tech. The position
                                                                               provided a variety of opportunities
                                                                               to learn and grow as she worked
                                                                               with 58 campuses (and six
                                                                               superintendents) during the next
                                                                               23 years.
                                                                               By 1967, Jerry had completed his
          Jerry, Slaton HS.                  June, Freshman at NTSU.
                                                                               bachelor’s degree and had become

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